May 13 is recognised around the world as World Falun Dafa Day. First celebrated in 2000, 2019 year marks the 20th anniversary of this joyous holiday.
Falun Dafa practitioners in India organised exercise demonstrations, study sessions, and seminars in different cities to commemorate this special day.
Practitioners also used this opportunity to raise awareness about the ongoing persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners in China.
In the City of Nagpur practitioners organised a workshop at the Shrimant Purnachand Buti Sabhagrah, where a large group of people enthusiastically participated in learning the exercises.
Practitioners also did the meditation and studied the teachings of Falun Dafa together. Young practitioners demonstrated the exercises.

In Hyderabad, a major event was organised at the Tyagaraya Gana Sabha, where practitioners distributed fliers, taught the exercises, and screened the documentary “Human Harvest” and other films about Falun Dafa and the persecution in China. The event was covered by the media.

In Pune, practitioners did the exercises in a public park and distributed flyers.

In Bangalore, a group of practitioners did the exercises in Kumara Park and distributed flyers.
Other Cities
In Kolkata, Delhi, Hyderabad, and other cities, local practitioners taught people the exercises and shared the message of Truthfulness-Compassions-Forbearance – the core principles of Falun Dafa.