Falun Gong practitioner Zeng Heping was recently sentenced to four years in prison in China for her faith. Meanwhile, her friends in San Francisco held a press conference in front of the Chinese Consulate this past Thursday, demanding that the Chinese regime release Zeng immediately.
Zeng Heping is one of the six founders of Ping An Insurance (Group) Company in Shenzhen, China. Since 1988, the company has grown from a small private business to a “Fortune Global 500.” Ms. Zeng has made considerable contributions to the company and to the development of Shenzhen City.
In August 2017, Zeng Heping and three other Falun Gong practitioners were sentenced from four to seven years in prison.
Ms. Zeng’s friend, 81-year old Xu Jiamei, spoke at the press conference.
Xu said, “Zeng Heping started practicing Falun Gong in 1996, which healed her stomach ailments, hypertension, and depression. Before she took up the practice, she often had severe headaches. The headaches were so extreme that she was incapacitated when they occurred. But all of her physical problems were healed by practicing Falun Gong.
“In daily life and at work, she follows Falun Gong’s guiding principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. She treats everybody kindly and selflessly.”

Another friend of Zeng Heping, Tang Lijuan, recalled at the press conference, “Zeng Heping is a very easygoing person. She is so warmhearted and always helps others. Such a good person is in jail now. I feel that I need to help.”

This was not Zeng Heping’s first arrest in the persecution. The Ping An Company posted bail for her release after an earlier illegal arrest and kept her on as the financial director of the enterprise. She is highly respected in the workplace. When the police came to her office to harass Ms. Zeng, they met with strong resistance from her colleagues.