The Stawell Times: High School Students Learn Falun Dafa Meditation

On 16th of May 2017, an article in The Stawell Times-News, a local newspaper in Victoria, published an article titled “Meditation to ease final year pressures.”

The article covered a Falun Dafa activity held at Stawell Secondary College on 15th of May for final year students (VCE). The article stated that a local resident provided them with “Stress release strategies by offering Falun Dafa meditation sessions at the school.”


Students learning the Falun Dafa exercises (screenshot of The Stawell Times-News website)
Students learning the Falun Dafa exercises (screenshot of The Stawell Times-News website)


The journalist, Anthony Piovesan, mentioned that the instructor said, “Falun Dafa practice is the cultivation of one’s mind and thoughts.”

A coordinator at the school was interviewed for the article and described how the students are currently under a lot of stress because of assignments and tasks.

At the end of the Falun Dafa workshop, the students said they enjoyed learning the exercises and that this type of meditation suited them. They asked for more information about the local exercise group.


Students learning the Falun Dafa exercises (screenshot of The Stawell Times-News website)
Students learning the Falun Dafa exercises (screenshot of The Stawell Times-News website)

