Falun Gong practitioners were invited to participate in a health expo in Novgrod, Russia from April 12 to 16. They introduced Falun Gong (also known as Falun Dafa) to local residents, explaining its many health benefits and talking about the persecution it faces in China.
Many people were pleased to learn about Falun Gong’s three core principles: Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and expressed their wish to give it a try for themselves.

Demonstrations were given of the Falun Gong exercises and a video introduced the practice and gave some background on the persecution in China. Traditional Chinese dances were performed by colourfully costumed practitioners as well.

Many attendees expressed their support after learning about the peaceful practice and the situation in China. Other exhibitors also stopped by to thank the practitioners for their participation and tireless efforts to raise awareness of human rights abuses in China.