May 16, 2016 | Nearly 10,000 practitioners from 53 countries attended the New York Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference on May 15 at Barclays Centre in Brooklyn. Mr. Li Hongzhi, founder of Falun Dafa, spoke at the conference and explained how practitioners can do better at improving xinxing and fulfilling their historic responsibilities.

Lecture from Master Li
Master Li came onto the stage at about 11:20 a.m. and was met with a rousing standing ovation and loud applause. Master Li reminded practitioners who have not been diligent or who have not been genuinely cultivating that failing to fulfill their vows is not a simple issue of slacking off. It is instead a huge crime and enormous sin in their cultivation.
With compassion and seriousness, Master asked practitioners to let go of attachments and to not judge things with human notions. Some practitioners have been unable to make judgements based on the Fa or consider saving sentient beings a high priority. They instead make judgements based on human notions or personal preferences. Master once again reminded this large number of practitioners to not indulge in human notions, because a Dafa disciple has no excuse to fail his or her mission.

Large Gathering
Falun Dafa experience sharing conferences have been held in New York each year since 1997. Master Li has lectured at the conference almost every year, so it has become an important event for Falun Dafa practitioners, attracting attendees from all over the world.
Although Falun Dafa was first introduced in New York in 1996, by 1999, 3,000 to 4,000 practitioners came from around the world to attend the conference, despite the high cost of getting there. The persecution in China began several months after that conference. Now, 17 years later, participation at the conference has increased to nearly 10,000, including many coming from mainland China.

Experience Sharing
Thirteen Falun Dafa practitioners gave talks at the conference, sharing personal experiences with the practice. They came from New York, California, Seattle, Georgia, Switzerland, Italy, Dubai, and more. The conference concluded at 5:15 p.m.
Members of the audience remarked that Master’s lecture made them feel the urgency of cultivating themselves better and saving more people.
Hearing fellow practitioners share their experiences, some said they were able to identify areas they can do better. By cooperating well and letting go of human notions, they plan to work together to cultivate well, fulfill their mission, and save more people.
