The Australian Altruism Foundation, headquartered in Melbourne, Australia Ms. Dai Zhizhen and her daughter Chen Fadu
issued the “The Turtle Award,” the award of humanitarianism, of year 2006 to
Ms. Dai Zhizhen and her daughter, Chen Fadu, on the evening of May 3, 2007.
The award commends their courage and spirit in their trips to 45 countries around
the world in the past few years to call for help for those practitioners and
their children who have been persecuted. They are the first ever Chinese winner
since the foundation was established.
Ms. Dai and Kirsty Marshall, MP of the Victoria Province
(middle) and a Falun Gong practitioner from Melbourne

Altruism Foundation calls on people to help Ms. Dai Zhizhen by all means in the
banquet and to relay her story to more people
Nearly 200 people attended the award ceremony and charity
banquet held at Leonda By the Yarra, the renown restaurant on the bank of the
Yarra river in Melbourne. There were three winners for the Award of
Humanitarianism, and six individuals won the Turtle Award. “The Turtle
Award” is named after the turtle’s characters of “sticking out its
neck” to advocate more people to step up and call for the public benefit.
Shane Holst, the founder of the Australian Altruism Foundation said, “We
advocate care, compassion and courage.”
Ms. Dai Zhizhen won the Turtle Award in the category of belief. Her husband
was tortured to death by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for practicing Falun Gong
in 2001. Her daughter had just been born at that time. The host of the ceremony
gave Ms. Dai six minutes for a speech, while other winners were given the normal
two minutes. Ms. Dai said, “There are many many families, and many many
kids who suffered the same as what my daughter has suffered. But they don’t get
a chance to speak out. I took my daughter and traveled around the world. I
decided to let the entire world know about my husband’s death due to the CCP’s
Many were moved by Ms. Dai’s speech. Bruce Carney, the winner next to Ms.
Dai, was particularly moved. He said, “I don’t have much to say, especially
after Ms. Jane Dai. I have to say that I don’t know why I am here. But anyway,
thanks for the award.”
The host of the ceremony also changed his normally easy and humorous
character, and felt sorrow.
Shane Holst, the founder of the foundation, noticed the host’s emotion and said,
“He is very worried because he’s so moved by Ms. Dai’s story. He thinks his
humor a few minutes ago may have been inappropriate.”
An independent judge of The Australian Altruism Foundation, Susan Barton, was
deeply touched by Ms. Dai’s accomplishment. Ms. Susan said, “It’s
surprising that she has done so many things as a woman. She has been traveling
around the world, after going through the profound hardship. She set a great
model for women in the world.”
Ms. Dai indicated that she didn’t think the award should be only for herself.
She believes it’s a commendation of Falun Gong, because Falun Gong promotes the
principles of “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.” Falun Gong
practitioners follow the principles to improve themselves to be selfless and
altruistic people. During the past eight years of persecution, in order to help
people recognize the CCP’s lies, practitioners have tried their best to clarify
the facts around the world. This award also reflects that more and more people
in the world have come to understand Falun Gong practitioners’ rational
behaviors in opposing the persecution. She expressed her appreciation to people
from all over the world who provide their help and support to Falun Gong
At the end of the banquet, the founder of the foundation reminded people that
they should help Ms. Dai in any way possible, and let more people know her
The Australian Altruism Foundation is a nonprofit charity organization. Its
positive vision is for an ethically, spiritually and psychologically healthy
Australia. It strives to reverse the negative vision which manifests as
dishonesty, greed, manipulation, exclusivity, divisiveness, opportunism and
self-servingness. Its purpose is too be a catalyst for positive social change in
the Australian community.
Posting date: 13/May/2007
Original article date: 8/May/2007
Category: Australian News