
New York: International Chinese Vocal Competition Receives Rave Reviews (Photos)

The International Chinese Vocal Competition, held in New York City’s Kaufman Hall, concluded on the afternoon of October 17, 2007. Vocalists from around the world competed, with twenty finalists receiving the top awards. The competition attracted many fans, happy to see this elite gathering of Chinese vocalists from around the world, promoting Traditional Chinese culture.

WOIPFG: Investigation into Chinese Embassy and Consulates in the U.S. Controlling CSSA’s to Export the CCP’s Human Rights Violations

New Tang Dynasty Television (NTDTV), with its headquarters in New York City (NYC), will host the International Chinese Classical Dance Competition at New York University from July 6 to 8 in 2007. Due to the independent and outspoken nature of NTDTV, as well as its long-term focus on human rights issues in China, including the persecution of Falun Gong, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has spared no effort to interfere with NTDTV’s events.