About Falun Dafa

Falun Dafa (also called Falun Gong) is an advanced self-cultivation practice of the Buddha School. Falun Dafa was founded by Mr. Li Hongzhi, the practice's master. It is a discipline in which “assimilation to the highest qualities of the universe—Zhen, Shan, Ren (Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance)—is the foundation of practice.
Media Release
AAP (Australia): Troupe Brings Chinese Traditional Culture to Australia
Many Australians think of China in two ways. The first image is that of an emerging global economic powerhouse, rapidly rising on the back of a colossal working population. The other is of a people increasingly demanding greater political freedom after half a century under a stifling authoritarian regime.
ABC-TV Reports on New Tang Dynasty Television’s Chinese New Year Spectacular Show (Photos)
On the evening of March 28, 2007, ABC-TV’s flagship current affairs program “Lateline” reported in prime time that the New Tang Dynasty Television’s (NTDTV) Chinese New Year Spectacular shows would be staged in Sydney on March 29. The program also exposed the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) Consulate-General in Sydney interfering with the show.