

Persecution and Retribution(Photos)

The tortures that Falun Gong practitioners face in China have revealed to the world the horrific nature of the persecution. The tortures are so incredibly appalling that I have been asked, “Is it possible that such brutal torture exists in the civilized world of today?” The answer is yes.
When I read the descriptions of the tortures, I often feel that I can not bear to read them any more, because it is very a disturbing and even traumatizing experience just to read them. However, when I see the actual photographs of dead or surviving Falun Gong practitioners bearing the horrible evidence of torture on their bodies, I have no choice but to admit that such an abysmal tragedy is taking place in today’s world.

This Is the Truth I Know of: Chinese Falun Gong Practitioners Are Patriotic

I have been friends with a Chinese couple since the end of 1995. I shared a large apartment with them for almost a year. Since then, I have kept in touch with them. I have gotten to know their personality, outlook, and moral character, just as I know myself. They are not at all like the Falun Gong practitioners that the Mainland Chinese media has described.

“Persecution Meets Principles” Torture Enactment Exhibit

Falun Gong practitioners held “Persecution Meets Principles” torture enactment and picture exhibit at the Federal Plaza in downtown Chicago last month to demonstrate the cruel torture methods used on Falun Gong practitioners in China.

Sydney Falun Gong Practitioners Sue Chinese Newspaper for Defamation (Photo)

The purpose of the lawsuit is to stop the Chinese newspaper from continuously publishing lies about Falun Gong and commentary articles that slander Falun Gong. At the same time, John Deller thought it would be a good reminder to all overseas Chinese media, that they should not irresponsibly publish fabricated news that defames Falun Gong, a legal organization. Thus, it can effectively stop Jiang’s group from exporting hatred overseas.