

The Australian: Falun lawsuit strains China ties

AUSTRALIA’S relations with China are being strained by a Sydney Falun Gong practitioner who is suing former president Jiang Zemin for personal damages in the NSW Supreme Court after being locked up four times in China.

The Australian: We won’t mention it

Australia won’t say in public that Chinese citizens are regularly beaten to death by police or that more than 100,000 Falun Gong practitioners have been sent to forced labour camps since 1999, of whom well over 1600 have died of torture or abuse.

Candle Night Vigil in Canberra (Photos)

On Saturday night of November 13th 2004, Australian Falun Dafa practitioners gathered in front of the Chinese Embassy in Canberra to call for the trial of the instigator of this persecution, Jiang Zemin, and his perpetrators Luo Gan, Liu Jing and Zhou Yongkang, according to the law.

On His Return to South Africa, David Liang’s Miraculous Recovery Causes a Sensation (Photos)

According to a report from the news website, The Epoch Times, David Liang recently returned to South Africa. His amazing recovery in just three months, without any major medical treatment, once again caused a sensation in society.

“The reason why I came back to South Africa is to express my gratitude to the people of South Africa who helped and supported me after the attack. I would like to share with people here the miracle of my being able to walk again in just three months through practicing Falun Gong. I would like to share with people the beauty of Falun Dafa,” said David Liang.

Sydney Morning Herald: Inside China’s brainwashing gulag

A small nameplate beside the high, burnished metal gates announces the building inside as “Guangzhou City Law School”. But this grimy industrial area on the outskirts of China’s great southern commercial metropolis is an unlikely place for an academic institution.

The Age, Australia: Falun Gong reveals jail ‘hell’

According to the award-winning Melbourne-based writer Ouyang Yu, whose brother Ming died last year from ill-treatment during detention for his Falun Gong activities, the persecution has attracted little interest in human rights circles in Australia. “Over here you meet up with a wall of utter coldness, a wall of ice,” he said in a telephone interview. “They say other cases are more important.”