Epoch Times: Warning America about Communist Dictatorship
Former Chinese Diplomat Testifies in Congress, Provides Details of Chinese Communist Party’s War against Falun Gong
Former Chinese Diplomat Testifies in Congress, Provides Details of Chinese Communist Party’s War against Falun Gong
One year ago, a woman in China’s Henan Province was sentenced to five years in prison because she refused to give up her faith in Falun Gong, and refused to curse the spiritual practice as ordered by the Chinese government. However, only recently was her story published on overseas websites in order to direct international attention to China’s human rights issues.
Chen Yonglin left on Tuesday for Los Angeles, where he will attend a US Congress hearing “to testify about Falun Gong and human rights abuses in China”, The Australian newspaper reports.
The Peaceful Protest in Front of the Chinese Embassy Is Upholding The Human Dignity. It Is the Chinese Government That Has Caused All These Protests. The Australian Government Should Take Its Responsibility to Urge the Chinese Government to Stop the Persecution.
After Chen Yonglin, senior diplomat from the Chinese Consulate in Sydney, Australia and Hao Fengjun, a police officer with the Tianjin City 610 Office, resigned from the Chinese Communist Party, Han Guangsheng, the former head of the Shenyang City Judicial Bureau and the deputy head of the Shenyang City Police Department in Liaoning Province recently brought to light some inside facts about the persecution of Falun Gong by the CCP.
After several weeks of planning, Falun Gong practitioners, in conjunction with the Australia Chinese Cultural & Art Association Inc, held the grand opening of the Uncompromising Courage art exhibition at the Royal Queensland Arts Society on the Gold Coast.
China Seeks To Make Australia Part of Its “Great Border Area”; The CCP Thinks The Australian Government Can Be Bought; Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs Helped the CCP to Wriggle Out of a Difficult Lawsuit.
This survey was prepared by the World Organisation to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (Australia Branch) to investigate claims of harassment of Australian citizens because of their practice of Falun Gong.
The motion regarding Falun Gong was passed in the senate on 20 June.
On June 16, 2005, after enduring brutal persecution, Ms. Gao Rongrong, 37, died in the emergency room of China Medical University Hospital, located in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province. The persecutors are pressuring her family to cremate her body quickly, in order to destroy all evidence of their crimes.
Candlelight vigil will be held in front of Chinese embassies and consulates Australian wide in memory of Ms Gao and to call for the stop of the brutal persecution towards Falun Gong practitioners from the Chinese communist regime.