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Information Centre

UK: Lili Lin Released and Reunited with her Husband

UK Falun Gong practitioner Lili Lin, after being imprisoned for 15 days in a deportation centre by the UK Home Office, was released around 2pm on March 14th. She left the deportation centre at London Gatwick Airport and is now back home in Liverpool.

Falun Dafa – A Science of Body, Mind and Spirit

To my understanding of Falun Gong, when a practitioner follows the right teachings, miracles can happen. Practitioners begin to become fully aware of their personal and ethical shortcomings, and make improvements. They begin to understand how to live a truly meaningful life, and for this they are rewarded.

Falun Dafa is Beyond the Scope of Modern Science

In October 1998, some physicians at China Union Medical University did a large-scale survey among more than 10,000 Falun Dafa practitioners in Beijing regarding their health status. The results showed that 99.1% of Falun Dafa practitioners improved their health after practice.