24 Heures (Swiss newspaper): Criminal Lawsuit in Switzerland Against Jiang Zemin
An international coalition of lawyers is ready to track down those responsible for the “systematic eradication” of Falun Gong.
Information Centre
An international coalition of lawyers is ready to track down those responsible for the “systematic eradication” of Falun Gong.
On March 20, the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong (“WOIPFG”) issued a statement, “Jiang Zemin’s Regime Draws Upon Massive National Financial Resources In Its Persecution of Falun Gong”
After July 20, one after another practitioners were illegally detained time and again by the local government for speaking a true word of justice for Falun Gong. Some government officials even viciously said: “As long as you practice, we want you dead, and your family broken.”
“Our purpose is not to seek financial compensation, but we hope that the Victoria Federation Of Chinese Associations understands that Falun Gong has no political motives, but that it is a cultivation group which abides by the law. In accordance with the basic law of the cosmos, Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, Falun Gong practitioners try to become better members of society.”
My name is Carlos, I am a lawyer, 41 years old, married and have two daughters, 10 and 12 years old. I live in Madrid, Spain. I have been practising Falun Dafa for two and half months. I am very happy to exchange experiences with all of you.
More than 1,000 Falun Gong practitioners from more than 40 countries from
around the world gathered in Geneva on March 17-18 to hold peaceful appeals
during the 59th session of the U.N. Human Rights Commission.
Jiang Zemin’s political gang of scoundrels has put American citizen Charles Li on “trial,” a mockery of justice which amounts to nothing less than the murderer accusing the victim.
“This show trial of an American makes a mockery of the so-called ‘rule of law’ in China,” says Falun Dafa Information Center spokesman Erping Zhang. “In fact, it is, in essence, a trial for the Communist legal system in China, which can prosecute any innocent citizen including an American doctor for its political interests.”
Sydney(FDI)- Since March 1st, the deaths of 53 Falun Gong practitioners from torture and mistreatment in the hands of Chinese authorities have been reported. This is the largest number of confirmed deaths to be reported in a three-week time period since the persecution began in July 1999.
Fernando and I have been working together in the same clinic for many years. He is one of the most respected family doctors in the area. We frequently discussed the differences in Western and Chinese approaches to medical treatment and diagnosis.