Info Centre

Information Centre

New Science and New Culture of Mankind

In my opinion, there are two unbreakable precepts for scientists. First, matter has a material existence. Second, objective and repeatable experiments are the decisive standards in testing scientific truth.

Falun Dafa – A Science of Body, Mind and Spirit

To my understanding of Falun Gong, when a practitioner follows the right teachings, miracles can happen. Practitioners begin to become fully aware of their personal and ethical shortcomings, and make improvements. They begin to understand how to live a truly meaningful life, and for this they are rewarded.

Falun Dafa is Beyond the Scope of Modern Science

In October 1998, some physicians at China Union Medical University did a large-scale survey among more than 10,000 Falun Dafa practitioners in Beijing regarding their health status. The results showed that 99.1% of Falun Dafa practitioners improved their health after practice.