Info Centre

Information Centre

Why is Falun Dafa a Science of Mind and Body?

I’m a junior scientist who graduated in human genetics and is specializing in neurobiology. My thesis was about the molecular mechanisms of learning and memory, and I’m now working as a researcher on an EEC-sponsored program in Paris.

MP Duncan Kerr writes to Immigration Minister regarding Mr&Mrs Wang

As I am sure you are aware, Falun Gong practitioners can face severe hardship and persecution in Chian and the couple would appreciate any steps you can take to allow them more time to lodge their appeal or alternatively that you consider their case on humanitarian grounds.

Calling for an End to the Persecution of Falun Gong Outside the United Nations’ European Headquarters (Photos)

Representative of the European Falun Dafa Association said in the opening remarks that in these especially difficult times when lies, hatred and intolerance are predominant, faced with the urgency of the situation, we Falun Gong practitioners, on this symbolic day of the opening of the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, appeal to all people of the world to stop the Chinese authorities’ persecution of Falun Gong.