Falun Dafa – China’s Beauty Graces the NSW State Parliament(Photos)
After only Zhang’s recent return to Australia, she displayed an estimated 40 paintings at the Theatrette within the NSW State Parliament.
Information Centre
After only Zhang’s recent return to Australia, she displayed an estimated 40 paintings at the Theatrette within the NSW State Parliament.
More than three dozen members of Congress will ask a Chicago federal
judge this morning to allow Falun Gong practitioners to press their genocide
lawsuit against former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin in the U.S. courts.
Mrs. Cai is an Australian Dafa practitioner. Her husband had built a factory in Dongwan, Guangdong Province and they had business investment there for several years.
I am a businessman who makes regular trips between China and Russia. On the train during a recent trip to Russia, I met a woman who runs a business in Russia. She told me that she had read Zhuan Falun, the main book of Falun Gong, and found it to be a very good book.
On the evening of 11 June 2003, Falun Dafa Association of Queensland Inc and the University of Queensland Amnesty International branch jointly hosted a seminar at the University of Queenslands St Lucia campus entitled An End to Genocide in the 21st Century.
On Sunday, June 8, the Global Coalition against Article 23 Legislation rallied in Melbourne in the drizzle to peacefully protest the proposed Hong Kong Article 23 legislation. More than 100 people from different organisations and the public gathered in front of Federation Square.
The professors were glad to accept the invitation, and many of them showed support for the lawsuit and said, “It’s time to put Jiang on trial!”
When talking about Falun Gong, he said, “There are so many people practising Falun Gong, and they don’ give up even under such a brutal persecution. There must be some reason for this.”
The confirmed death toll currently stands at 720, though the strict media blockade in China has undoubtedly prevented more cases from being exposed.
Friends of Falun Gong USA is a human rights organization established to support Falun Gong practitioners’ freedom of belief. It is sponsoring the lawsuit that charges Jiang with torture and genocide in China and for conspiracy to deprive them of their civil rights here in the United States.