Info Centre

Information Centre

Clarifying the Truth on a Trip to the Airport

“I also told him that when the persecution began, like most others, I really had absolutely no idea of what to do. Something so good, that I have improved from for the past few years, is suddenly being persecuted, it didn’t make sense…”

ABC(Australia): Hong Kong politician speaks out about new security measures

MARTIN LEE: I think it started with Beijing looking at Falun Gong in Hong
Kong and wanted to have the activity stopped, but of course, these people
are not hurting anybody. They are behaving themselves. They are the world’s
quietest protesters because they don’t even speak a word when they protest.

An Australian Citizen’s Personal Appeal to Prime Minister

I would like to make a request that during your upcoming meeting/s with the new Chinese leaders in China you forward the strong sense of concern and disgust that many Australians including myself feel at the treatment of Falun Gong practitioners in China.

Turbulent Changes in the Cosmos (Photos)

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope is witnessing a grouping of galaxies engaging in a slow dance of destruction that will last for billions of years. The galaxies are so tightly packed together that gravitational forces are beginning to rip stars from them and distort their shapes.