Info Centre

Information Centre

How I became a better person

I was born in Prague 51 years ago in communist Czechoslovakia. I want to tell you what I learned and how I changed since I started Falun Gong Cultivation eleven months ago- how I became a better person.

Falun Gong CD Played in Chinese Courtroom

After seeing the coverage of a few topics on the CD, such as the Tiananmen self–immolation and the worldwide spread of Dafa and seeing the interest with which the court participants were watching, the presiding judge nervously called a halt to the viewing.

Petals of Peace Initiative Launched in Queensland(Photos)

Practitioners in Queensland officially launched the Petals of Peace initiative in Brisbane and the Gold Coast on the 4th and 5th of October. Jane Dai and her 3 year-old daughter Fadu flew up from Melbourne to take part in these activities.