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Information Centre


To all those who advocate atheism and negate the concept of a Higher Power, a Spirit, a Creator who arranges everything in the universe, consider this:

Australia Launches The Global Coalition to Bring Jiang to Justice(Photos)

Yesterday, a local rally in front of the Chinese Consulate in Sydney marked
the launch of “The Global Coalition To Bring Jiang To Justice.” This
initiative is an international alliance organised by those who have suffered
persecution under the Ex China’s Leaders’s [Jiang Zemin] dictatorship.

Melbourne: Chinese People of Conscience Should Stand Up and Say “No!” (Photos)

Ouyang Ming had been subjected to more than 108 kinds of torture before he died. Jiang carried out his genocide policy on Falun Gong practitioners. This persecution harms not only innocent people, but also the principles of ‘Truth, Compassion and Tolerance.’ It is the most terrible thing to damage human nature and morality

Epochtimes: Australian Man Grieves for Younger Brother Killed in China for His Belief

Ouyang Yu, the elder brother of Ouyang Ming is an Australian citizen. He is also a famous writer, poet and does not practice Falun Gong. He said he feels grief-stricken and helpless about his younger brother’s death, and he has nowhere to turn to seek redress for this injustice.

This was the third case of a family member of an Australian citizen having died at the hands of Chinese authorities for practicing Falun Gong. There are reportedly more than ten relatives of Australian citizens still detained in China for their continued practice of Falun Gong.

Upgrading Character When studying the Fa

Although I knew that studying the Fa was the most important thing, I did not exactly understand what studying meant. I did read, but always with the purpose of searching for some answers.