Info Centre

Information Centre

More Than 100 Falun Gong Practitioners on Hunger Strike in Jilin Prison; Mr. Liu Chengjun on Brink of Death (Photo)

Reliable sources in China indicate that more than 100 Falun Gong practitioners are being held at Jilin Prison, and that most of them undertook a hunger strike to protest the ongoing severe torture by prison guards there. The lives of those engaged in the peaceful appeal are likely in danger.

The perpetrators sent him to the
comprehensive unit of the City Central Hospital. Currently, Liu Chengjun is
unconscious, and the hospital is asking his family to take him home because
it does not want to take responsibility for his death.

Canberra: The Heavens in Bloom(Photos)

Every September to October in Canberra, Australia, the city hosts a spring flower festival, Floriade, where many thousands of people come from all over Australia and the world to walk through the beautiful display gardens.

Australian Citizen’s Brother Is Illegally Imprisoned Once Again in Guangdong

Falun Dafa Practitioner Chen Ruichang, the former Deputy Director of the General Editorial Department of Guangdong’s Television Station is illegally arrested again. His younger brother, Australian citizen Richard Chen, is appealing to people from all walks of life to contact the relative departments of the Chinese government in order to rescue his brother before it’s too late. We cannot stand by and allow another tragedy to occur–Ouyang Ming, the relative of another Australian citizen, was persecuted to death in China.

AFDI Press Statement: Regarding the Chinese Embassy Staff’s Attempts to Curtail Freedom of Speech in Australia

(AFDI) 23 October 2003 – Falun Gong and its practitioners have no interest in politics, even less can people of Chinese descent who practice Falun Gong be called “anti “ their own country of birth. Given the facts about the brutal persecution of people who practice Falun Gong, it is not hard to imagine what certain members of the Chinese government are trying to divert the world’s attention from.