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Free Internet Press,NY: China Rights Lawyer Being Persecuted

Shortly after being warned to retract a second open letter about
his Falun Gong cases, Gao received a new summons from the judicial bureau. “I’m not sure how much time I have left to conduct my work,” Gao said. “But
I will use every minute to expose the barbaric tactics of our leadership.”

Falun Gong motion to be moved in Senate

On Tuesday 6 December 2005, a motion will be moved in the Senate by Senator Bob Brown, that the Senate to request the government to seek an end to the persecution of Falun Gong members in China and to call on the government to lift restrictions on Australian Falun Gong practitioners’ peaceful appeal outside the Chinese Embassy in Canberra.

Letter to Prime Minister

I am a fourteen-year-old secondary student in Auburn. I am writing to you regarding the issue of the continued signing of certificates restricting the use of banners, signs and cassette players in Falun Gong practitioners’ peaceful appeal opposite the Chinese Embassy in Canberra.

Letter to Senator Polley

The persecution of Falun Gong does not just happen within China, even Australian citizens are experiencing it. Australian Falun Gong practitioners have been receiving all kinds of harassment and interference in Australia as former First Secretary of Sydney Chinese Consulate Mr Chen Yonglin exposed to the media.