News & Media

news and media

ABC(AP): China Sentences Four Falun Gong Members

Four Falun Gong members have been sentenced to up to 20 years in prison for
breaking into cable television systems in western China to broadcast videos
promoting the banned spiritual group, a court official said Wednesday.

Photo Report: “Music of the Spring” in Sydney

In order to enrich Chinese culture in Australia, and to celebrate the onset of 2003 with people of Chinese extraction, volunteer Falun Dafa practitioners and Tongsong Music & Culture Promotions Inc. hosted a free variety performance. Entitled “Music of the Spring”, the event was successfully held at Marana auditorium, Hurstville entertainment centre, on the evening of Saturday 4th of January.

Melbourne: Falun Dafa Practitioners Clarify the Truth on New Year’s Eve

On New Year’s Eve of each year, tens of thousands of citizens would gather to watch the show. The local practitioners decided to utilize this opportunity to demonstrate the Falun Gong exercises and distribute truth-clarifying materials by the Yarra River. Practitioners also wanted to welcome the New Year in such a meaningful way.

Le Temps (The Times) in Geneva (Economy edition): TOYS

A former prisoner of the Chinese camps says she has manufactured Toy rabbits for Nestle during her detention. After investigation, the Swiss multinational denies, but wants to guarantee that no use of forced labour is done by its subcontractors.

A Letter to Clarify the Facts to a Website Denigrating Falun Dafa

My name is (..) from Queensland, Australia. Whilst browsing through the Internet recently, I happened upon your website relating to the subject of (slanderous word omitted). I was surprised and a little disheartened on viewing such a list, seemingly collated to either validate or vilify the array of beliefs and practices mentioned, including Falun Gong.