Media Reports

Media Reports

Epochtimes: Australian Man Grieves for Younger Brother Killed in China for His Belief

Ouyang Yu, the elder brother of Ouyang Ming is an Australian citizen. He is also a famous writer, poet and does not practice Falun Gong. He said he feels grief-stricken and helpless about his younger brother’s death, and he has nowhere to turn to seek redress for this injustice.

This was the third case of a family member of an Australian citizen having died at the hands of Chinese authorities for practicing Falun Gong. There are reportedly more than ten relatives of Australian citizens still detained in China for their continued practice of Falun Gong.

Falun Gong CD Played in Chinese Courtroom

After seeing the coverage of a few topics on the CD, such as the Tiananmen self–immolation and the worldwide spread of Dafa and seeing the interest with which the court participants were watching, the presiding judge nervously called a halt to the viewing.