AAP FED: Australian man shot in South Africa: Falun Gong
David Liang was travelling from Johannesburg Airport to Pretoria yesterday when multiple shots were fired at the car he was travelling in, the group said in a statement.
Media Reports
David Liang was travelling from Johannesburg Airport to Pretoria yesterday when multiple shots were fired at the car he was travelling in, the group said in a statement.
Using violence, deception, and corruption, the Chinese dictatorship covers up many of its horrible crimes. The theft and sale by the government of bodily organs from executed prisoners has been confirmed by witnesses and condemned by the international community.
The abuse of Iraqi prisoners by their US captors in Abu Ghraid prison had
caused global outcry but the detention, torture and death of Falun Dafa
practitioners in China had meet with strange silence.
The alleged torture of members of groups which Beijing considers a threat to national security or to its hold on organised religion. These include practitioners of Falun Gong, ethnic Uighurs in Xinjiang, members of underground churches.
More than a thousand people rallied on Federal Plaza in Chicago this week to gain public support for a civil lawsuit charging former Chinese president Jiang Zemin with the genocide of Falun Gong practitioners.
The New South Wales Falun Dafa Association is suing a Sydney Chinese newspaper for defamation.
A Sydney Chinese newspaper is being sued for defamation by the Falun Dafa meditation group over the paper’s publication of criticism by the Chinese Government consulate in Sydney.
The NSW Falun Dafa Association said today
it would sue a Sydney Chinese newspaper claiming it defamed the
ancient spiritual movement.
Chinese student Wang Jinwei was awarded with the Mid-length Television Movie Prize for his movie, Wish, at the American University Movie Art Festival on April 30. It was the first time a Chinese movie was awarded this prize.
Falun Dafa practitioners hold a traditional pose on the back of a float during a parade through the streets of Sydneys central business district.