Media Reports

Media Reports

The Epoch Times: Wall of Truth Surrounds Foreign Minister

This wall of colorful banners was held by Falun Gong practitioners, who were supporting their legal action in the court to stop Foreign Minister, Alexander Downer, from signing certificates each month, that restrict the Falun Gong practitioners from peacefully appealing outside of the Chinese Embassy in Canberra.

AAP: Chen flies to US to speak on Falun Gong

Chen Yonglin left on Tuesday for Los Angeles, where he will attend a US Congress hearing “to testify about Falun Gong and human rights abuses in China”, The Australian newspaper reports.

The Age: China using NSW politicians: defector

Mr Chen has produced documents he claims are from the Chinese
consulate-general in Sydney, including the file of one Chinese-Australian
dissident and a list of almost 300 Falun Gong supporters which was sent by
the former Chinese ambassador and marked “very urgent”.

Canberra Times (Australia): Falun Gong sues Government over right to protest

The applicants claimed that Mr. Downer’s actions impaired their right to freedom of expression in Australia and were accordingly invalid. They said they had suffered personal injury and material loss because of the actions of the Chinese Communist Party and had a right to peacefully protest in a dignified manner with banners and loudspeakers in a way that did not intrude upon the Chinese mission.