SMH: Australian dancer deported from China
An Australian dancer has been deported from China while on a tour with the Sydney Dance Company. “The man was alleged to have Falun Gong material in his possession,” a DFAT statement said.
Media Reports
An Australian dancer has been deported from China while on a tour with the Sydney Dance Company. “The man was alleged to have Falun Gong material in his possession,” a DFAT statement said.
The idea that the Internet would help bring democracy to China seems to have been long forgotten; instead, China seems to be doing a good jog of keeping change at bay.
CAIRNS saw the opening of the high profile art exhibition, Uncompromising Courage, at The House art gallery in Cairns on Tuesday.
“This exhibition will make people aware of the extreme human rights violation that is happening in China.”
A highly spiritual practice that combines philosophy, meditative aspects and specified body movements, drawing on Buddhism and Taoism to explain its teachings, Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, has snowballed over the past few years into a veritable synonym for Chinese state persecution.
AUSTRALIA’S $900 million education export trade with China is under attack from a Chinese Government campaign to block internet access within the country to the banned spiritual group Falun Gong.
Canberra, Australian Parliment house: Australian citizen Jane Dai, with daughter Fadu, holding a family portrait which includes her husband Cheng Yong Chen who was killed by the Chinese government for practicing Falun Gong.
Falun Gong practitioners who set up an elaborate sting to catch a man repeatedly vandalising their campaign vehicle claim the Chinese Government may have ordered the attacks.
Former mayor claims a Chinese consulate official approached him to cut off support for Falun Gong.
THE TORTURE of Falun Gong followers in China is depicted in an art exhibition opening in Townsville tomorrow.