Media Reports

Media Reports

The Age: Washington names worst religious freedom violators

The United States has named eight countries as the world’s worst violators of religious liberty. China and its neighbours joined Iran, Saudi Arabia, Sudan and Eritrea as nations designated as “countries of particular concern”, the State Department said.

Manningham Leader (Australia): Widow talks of horror

And for that Jane Dai says her husband was kidnapped, brutally tortured and murdered. Mrs Dai fled China in 2001 fearing for her life with her nine-month-old daughter after her husband was arrested and sent to a detention centre for practising the traditional Chinese spiritual discipline, Falun Gong.

Washington Post: China Shutters Prominent Lawyer’s Firm

Judicial authorities in Beijing have shut down the law firm of a prominent civil rights lawyer after he refused to withdraw an open letter urging President Hu Jintao to respect freedom of religion and stop persecuting members of the banned Falun Gong spiritual movement.

Falun Gong Human Rights Newsletter: Where in China Are Your Dolls and Toys Made? (Photos)

The African slave trade, Hitler’s concentration camps, and the Soviet gulags, all added together, are not enough to describe the sinister nature of the Chinese communist regime’s laogai system – the system of “education and rectification through forced labor.” This evil system is by far the most-employed apparatus in the PRC government’s persecution of Falun Gong.

“Noosa News”(QLD) – Letter to Editor

The recent deportation of the Australian dancer from China highlights the significance and controversial nature of the special report entitled the “Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party”.

AAP: Dancer calls for China condemnation

The 43-year-old Mr Wang was confronted by Chinese officials in Shanghai during rehearsals for a combined performance of Mulan with the Shanghai Song and Dance Ensemble.