Paper Lotus Flowers
While assisting other practitioners on Saturday 26th April, 2003 at the Menangle Pace Way Fair, I learnt a beautiful skill, i.e. making paper lotus flowers.
While assisting other practitioners on Saturday 26th April, 2003 at the Menangle Pace Way Fair, I learnt a beautiful skill, i.e. making paper lotus flowers.
I would like to share the following poem about the commemoration event that took place on Bondi Beach on 26th April 2003, remembering the Zhongnanhai incident of 25 April 1999.
Since ancient times, Mount Tai, found in the center of Shandong Province, was called the Eastern Mountain of the Five Sacred Mountains. Mount Tai measures about 200 kilometers in length from east to west and about 50 kilometers in length from south to north. Its highest peak, Yu Huang Peak (or Jade Emperor Peak), is 1,545 meters tall.
When I was in junior high school, there was a small, skinny girl in my class who always excelled in school. She aced every examination. A boy in my class happened to live next to me. He was extremely jealous of the girl, and frequently stirred up trouble for her.
Perhaps here in Australia we are more sceptical, but can we deny these manifestations when they are detected by our modern scientific apparatus?
I had suffered continual and severe sinus all my life. Every day I had a blocked nose and was continually swallowing. At night I was up 4 or 5 times trying to clear the nose and throat. I would take numerous sinus tablets, which also kept me awake at night. I lived with constant headaches and eye pressure.
A few years ago in a land far away, As I walked through the bush on a hot summer’s day, There rose from some trees a glorious sound. I looked and I looked and at last I found, Hidden in the blossoms of an old gum tree, Tiny gumnut babies, so beautiful to see.
I was extremely surprised by what I heard. “There must be some reason why all these things happened.
I’m a Falun Dafa practitioner and have been practicing for over two years. I was born in Australia and bought up in the Jewish religion.
Yet, through my sadness I felt her strength and her gentle determination to express her deep compassion for us, and that she understood and respected our way of thinking and feeling. At that point, I understood the truth and my heart began to change.