

Dafa’s dignity cannot be challenged

After I arrived in Australia after being persecuted severely in China. I was interviewed by quite some reporters. Almost all of them were sympathetic when listening to my story and turned out to be very helpful later.

Jiang Zemin Spread Lies to the World on CBS

When people are immoral, they have no scruples about lying to achieve their selfish ends. Often, such people will go to any extent in disguising their lies to avoid being exposed – as the saying goes, “lies breed more lies.”

Clarifying the Truth at a Dinner Function

Several Falun Gong practitioners went to a dinner in Brisbane organised by the Australia-China Friendship Society and co-sponsored by a local travel agency to promote China.

A Letter to Our Fellow Practitioners in Mainland China.

How deeply you have inspired and truly touched the hearts of so many practitioners and others worldwide with your articles and experience sharings posted on Minghui and Clearwisdom, (Falun Dafa websites) particularly over the last 3 years.

Let Us Work Together to Uphold Justice

I was shocked at learning the news that Charles Li, an American citizen, was arrested as soon as he got off the plane in China. The reason was merely that he is a Falun Gong practitioner. I would like to share some of my thoughts here.