
A Letter to Our Fellow Practitioners in Mainland China.

How deeply you have inspired and truly touched the hearts of so many practitioners and others worldwide with your articles and experience sharings posted on Minghui and Clearwisdom, (Falun Dafa websites) particularly over the last 3 years.

Participating in the Chinese New Year Parade in Surfers Paradise

A Western Falun Gong practitioner who works for a duty free shop in Surfers Paradise saw a notice about a traditional Chinese New Year parade on his way to work. He realized that this would be a good opportunity to display the beauty of Falun Dafa to the public.

From Rags to Riches to Torture in a Chinese Labour Camp

The story is true and every name is real. It is a story about a successful businesswoman who was illegally imprisoned for nine months in one of China’s most brutal labour camps — Wanjia. It is a story of beatings and torture; of survival and perseverance: And it is a testament to the power of her beliefs.