
This Rampant Tyranny Is a Plague to All Chinese People

One would hope that these facts about the CCP’s brutality and the lessons learned from these people’s blood and lives will help the Chinese people become aware that the rampant tyranny is a plague for all people in the nation, not merely Falun Gong practitioners.

Rescue Dr. Charles Li – an Australian citizen’s letter to President Bush

I am writing in regards to Dr. Charles Li, a US citizen who is currently imprisoned in China and now on the sixth day of a hunger strike. I urge you to use whatever means available to return Charles to the safety of the United States as his situation is precarious and his incarceration is illegal, immoral and unjust.

Offering The Gift of Beautiful Music

Practitioners around the world have been sharing a variety of talents to offer others an insight into the beauty of Falun Dafa. Here we present a collection of songs on the “Harmonious Tranquility” CD.