
Chinese Official Noted in Default in Libel Case (Photo)

Chipkar says he has proof that Chinese Consulate officials in Toronto held a hate rally to condemn Falun Gong. They sent hate materials to government officials across Canada asking them to not support constituents who practise Falun Gong in Canada and they have held a hate pictorial display in their visa office for the past year.


Behold, our winters lifting, let the light of grandest suns emerge! When the last vestige
of resistance subsides, futile before many a wakeful heart.

Motion No. 704 Passed in Australian Senate to Rescue the Family Members of Australians (Photos)

On the afternoon of December 1, motion no. 704 initiated by Senator Stott Despoja, Australian Democrats’ Foreign Affairs spokesperson, at the Australian Senate about the relatives of Australian citizens who are being persecuted for practicing Falun Gong, was passed at Senate in the Parliament House in Canberra.

Despoja further indicated, “The stories of murder, torture and imprisonment of Falun Gong practitioners are truly horrifying. Many Australian citizens have relatives in China who are being subjected to such persecution and it would be wrong not to use the Parliament to speak out on their behalf and highlight their situation.”