
Queensland: Practitioners Perform at a Party for Elderly People (Photos)

On December 21, 2003, Falun Dafa practitioners from Sunshine Coast and Gold Coast and other areas in Brisbane went to a nursing home in the suburbs to have a party with the elderly people who live there. Practitioners performed songs and dances, and demonstrated the Falun Dafa exercises.

A Child’s Fear

In the morning, I took my two-and-one-half year old son to kindergarten. With his young hands, he turned my head to look me in the eyes and exclaimed, “Mom! Please come for me earlier in the evening.”

Water, the Origin of Life(FSC-042)

My name is Zhao Yihong, I come from Tokyo, Japan. I am going to share with everyone here a group of pictures that display the beauty and mystery of water crystals, and tell everyone that “Falun Dafa is the real science.”

Falun Dafa Cultivation’s Supernormal Alterations to Gene Expression (FSC-002)

The influence of the mind (also referred to as “spirit” or “consciousness”) on the physical body is an open field in modern medicine. Recently, more and more pieces of evidence have demonstrated that the mind can alter the physical body in various ways, particularly through the endocrine and immune systems. However, there have been no efforts to try to understand how the mind alters gene expression.