(Minghui.org) “This is the most magical book I have ever read. It answered all my questions on life. You cannot find these answers anywhere else,” said Racheal. “Falun Dafa gave me a new lease on life,” said Lily. “I would not be alive today if I did not have Dafa.” These are heartfelt words from two new Falun Dafa practitioners in England.
Turning Point
Four years ago, Racheal’s life appeared calm on the surface. Yet deep in her heart, there was an emptiness that she could not fill. She often wondered: “What is the purpose of life? Why is it that for some, life is smooth sailing, but for others, it is filled with ups and downs? What happens after death?”
She was perplexed by these questions for many years. Books, philosophies, and religion did not provide her with satisfactory answers.
Until one day, a friend invited her to a reading session organized by Falun Gong practitioners. There, she found the most important book in her life–Zhuan Falun. As she opened the book and read Master Li Hongzhi’s teachings, she was astounded. It was as if the book specifically answered all the questions she’d had for many years. At that moment, she knew she had found the real answers to all her questions.
Miracles after Practicing
Racheal used to suffer from many ailments. After she started practicing Falun Gong, her body went through incredible changes. Her whole body was renewed, her complexion became smooth and radiant, she had boundless energy, and her thinking was clear. She even learned French and piano without much effort. To her surprise, her ability to learn new skills improved tremendously, as if a certain part of her brain had been switched on.
She had struggled with the idea of giving up eating meat, but after reading Master’s teachings, she realised she should let things happen naturally in cultivation. She stopped forcing herself and no longer felt guilty when she ate meat. Her body naturally adjusted by itself and her appetite improved.
After passing this test, other tribulations surfaced, one after another.

Learning to Face Death
Soon after she began to practice, her mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer. She found it difficult to accept the bad news and did not know how to handle it at first. She said if she did not practice Dafa, she would have been scared and avoided facing death.
She did not run away nor did she let pain bother her. She finally understood that life and death are predestined. Death is not the end, it is just a stage in one’s life. With such an understanding, she let go of fear and accompanied her mother on her final journey with a peaceful mindset.
She was gratified that her mother signed the petition to call for an end to the persecution of Falun Gong before she passed away. She knew her mother had made the right choice and it was a great consolation to her.
At the same time, Racheal’s character went through a huge change. She used to always compare herself to others. When they appeared better than her, she would be jealous. By cultivating, she gradually realised such thoughts are wrong and worked diligently to suppress them.
To her surprise, when she let go of her jealousy and offered to help others, she observed that her heart became more at peace and relaxed. Relationships with people became more harmonious.
Miraculous Recovery from Asthma
Lily, who is from Vietnam, used to own a beauty and nail shop in West London. Business was good but her health was deteriorating. She had severe asthma, insomnia, dry eyes, and a pituitary tumor. She sought medical help for 20 years and took medication for a long time, but her health did not improve.
Just before the 2016 New Year, a friend gave her a copy of Zhuan Falun. Then she began to attend Fa study and exercise groups. Soon, her body felt lighter and her sleep improved! She told her family delightedly: “This book is magical!”
Similar to Racheal, Lily’s experienced many miracles. Over two decades ago, she suffered from severe asthma every year. After practicing Falun Gong, her asthma recurred twice. After she did the exercises more often and improved her character, something miraculous happened. The second time she had an asthma attack, she persisted in doing the exercises. Suddenly, she felt a warm current go through her whole body and her chest felt relaxed! Her asthma was gone.
Her husband said, “Dafa saved you!” Since then, her whole family has started to practice Falun Gong and even helped Lily tell others about the practice. They established a practice site in a park nearby to teach people the exercises for free and share the benefits of practicing Falun Gong.

Promoting Dafa
Zhuan Falun was first published 30 years ago, and it is now practiced in over 100 countries worldwide. Lily and Racheal are grateful for the opportunity to read this book and thank Master Li for offering salvation. They hope more people can read Zhuan Falun and personally experience how powerful Falun Dafa is.
Lily said, “I would not be alive today if not for Falun Dafa.”
Racheal wants to tell everyone, “If you want to know the true meaning of life, you must read this book. It transcends all philosophies and religions and is a book from heaven that truly guides people to succeed in cultivation.”
They now participate in different projects to tell people about Falun Gong and the persecution in China. They often hand out information about the spiritual practice while they are out or taking public transport. They also talk about the miracles they experience practicing Dafa and hope everyone can benefit from reading this precious book.
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