(Minghui.org) Falun Gong practitioners held a rally, march, and candlelight vigil in Washington D.C. on July 11 to continue raising awareness of the 25-year-long persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). A number of U.S. Congressional members sent videos or letters to Falun Gong practitioners before the event to show their support.


Senator Young: Holding the CCP Accountable

U.S. Senator Todd Young said in his video:

“For decades, the CCP has employed intimidation and restricted the rights of Chinese people systematically persecuting ethnic and religious minorities. Practitioners of faiths like Falun Gong have endured detention and unimaginable human rights abuses under CCP rule. These atrocities are justified under communist laws that equate expressions of faith and culture with extremism and terrorism. Simply put, the CCP is actively undermining fundamental aspects of culture, religion and freedom of expression.

“I recognise that these harrowing experiences have deeply affected many of you today, or those close to you, there are no adequate words to convey my sympathy for what you have witnessed or endured. As the United States Senator, I firmly believe that our nation has a moral obligation to uphold and defend basic human rights, both domestically and internationally. These include holding the CCP accountable for their abuses and atrocities, ensuring these actions don’t continue unchecked, and encouraging nations worldwide to pursue liberty and justice.” He said he would stand with Falun Gong practitioners in the efforts toward a brighter future.

Senator Todd Young sent a video to express his support


Rep. Hill: Calling to End the CCP’s Persecution

French Hill, member of House of Representatives from Arkansas, said in his video:

“This is Congressman French Hill. The world fully knows well that the Chinese Communist Party’s barbaric acts against Falun Gong and China has been ongoing for over two decades. During this time, millions of Falun Gong practitioners have been detained, imprisoned or even killed. Included in the Chinese Communist Party’s persecution is forced organ harvesting.

“As Vice Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs’ Subcommittee on Global Health, Global Human Rights and International Organisations, I was proud to stand with stand with my friend and Chairman of the Subcommittee, Chris Smith of New Jersey, to fight against this horrifying practice. I’m a proud cosponsor of H.R.1154, the Stop Forced Organ Harvesting Act, which adds penalties to those that violate the national organ transplant act and sanction those that fund, sponsor, or facilitate forced organ harvesting and human trafficking that leads to this disgusting practice. The Stop Forced Organ Harvesting Act passed the house along with H.R.4132 the Falun Gong Protection Act, which takes legal action against forced organ harvesting of Falun Gong practitioners. I was proud to support this legislation.

“It’s time for American and like-minded freedom-loving people and nations to address this terrible issue through legislation and put a stop to not only this inhuman practice, but take a stand against the growing aggression of the Chinese Communist Party. I thank the Arkansas Falun Gong Association for their crucial work in raising awareness for Falun Gong. I remain committed to continuing our efforts here in Congress and around the world to combat the threat of the CCP and be a voice on behalf of Falun Gong to call for an end of their persecution in China.”

Video from Representative French Hill


Rep. Newhouse: Standing United Against the CCP’s Transnational Repression

U.S. Representative Dan Newhouse from the State of Washington expressed his support in a video:

“While I unfortunately can’t be there in person, I would like to offer a few words. The Chinese Communist Party is working around the clock to influence our institutions and change our way of life. While the threats from the CCP continue to target us right here at home, it’s important to note their intentions are global. They target free nations around the world, and we must work together with our allies to strategically compete against the CCP’s repressive efforts.

“As a member of the Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party. I see this constantly, and I understand how important it is to stand strong against them. But the CCP’s totalitarian control is not confined to their own borders. It’s an ideology that seeks to infiltrate and manipulate free societies worldwide. But we must recognise the urgency of the situation and stand united against the CCP’s transnational repression against those of different faiths. Religious freedom is one of the cornerstones of our great nation, and we cannot allow the CCP to intimidate people on American soil. By protecting our citizens, supporting those oppressed by the CCP, and fostering international cooperation, we can build a world where freedom and dignity prevail over oppression and authoritarianism. The challenge is great, but the cause is just, and we must rise to meet it together.”

Representative Dan Newhouse also sent a video speech.


Representative Connolly: Thanks Falun Gong Practitioners for “Widely Shared Values”

Gerald E. “Gerry” Connolly, U.S. Representative from Virginia and a senior member of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, wrote in his letter:

“Despite a 25-year campaign [from the CCP] to eradicate Falun Gong (Falun Dafa), millions of people in and outside of China continue to exercise their basic rights and practice Falun Gong. I would like to express my unwavering support for your advocacy on behalf of universal human rights and religious freedom.

“Falun Gong emphasises the moral principles of truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance, and is practiced in at least 70 countries worldwide. Nevertheless, the Chinese Communist Party launched a nationwide persecution in July 1999, and since then we have witnessed increasing reports that Falun Gong practitioners have been targeted and repressed by the Chinese government. That is why I was proud to support and vote for H.R.4132, Falun Gong Protection Act, legislation that will impose sanctions on foreign individuals who ‘are knowingly responsible for, are complicit in, or have engaged in’ repression against Falun Gong practitioners in China. Victims of the persecution have come to my office to give their real-life narratives of torture, suffering, and damages experienced by their families. Some of my own constituents are themselves refugees of this persecution. They have persistently responded through peaceful means and have educated Chinese citizens and people across the globe about the nature of their practice and the persecution against it.

“I want to thank you for sharing your stories and advocating the widely shared values that define us both as a nation and as a broader international community.”

Representative Gerry Connolly sent a letter.


Representative Wittman: We Must Continue to Speak out

Robert J. Wittman, U.S. Representative from Virginia and Vice Chairman for House Armed Services Committee, wrote in his letter:

“The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been directly responsible for the ruthless repression of numerous religious minorities and groups, but there are few examples as condemnable and tragic as its persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. It is sadly impossible to number the victims, but we know that over the past quarter century, millions have been detained or imprisoned and many others killed through forced organ harvesting at the hands of the CCP. These are grave crimes against human dignity, and they must end immediately.

“The CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, and anyone who it considers a threat to its control, does not stop at China’s borders. Beijing has embarked on a transnational campaign against free societies and all those who speak out against its lies and crimes across the globe. Falun Gong practitioners both inside and outside China have done impressive work to call attention to the true nature of the CCP and its brutal oppression of the Chinese people. We are grateful for their passionate witness, but for their commitment to spreading the truth about the CCP, Falun Gong practitioners have been a frequent target of threats and other attempts at repression even far from territory under CCP control. The United States must strongly reaffirm its commitment to religious liberty and freedom of speech and make clear that Beijing’s repression does not belong anywhere on American soil.

“The sympathies of Virginians are with all the victims of the CCP. Many Virginians are Falun Gong practitioners, and they have been recognized as important contributors to the Chinese community and pillars of traditional Chinese culture in the Commonwealth. In 2022, the Virginia State House unanimously passed a bipartisan resolution condemning the CCP’s persecution and forced organ harvesting committed at great scale against Falun Gong practitioners in China. These are important messages, and we must continue to speak out against Beijing’s repression against them and all religious minorities under its control.

“I am proud to join you and many other Virginians in calling for an end to the CCP’s injustice.”

Representative Rob Wittman reiterated the United States’ commitment to freedom of belief.


Rep. Graves: Stand Together in Solidarity to Bring Justice

Sam Graves, U.S. Representative from Missouri and Chairman for House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, wrote in his letter to Falun Gong practitioners:

“I am proud to publicly support your efforts to address the continuation of the cruel and unjust actions of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) against practitioners of Falun Gong. Freedom of religion is not only a constitutional right, but a human right that should be enjoyed by all.

“Chinese communism threatens the independence and human rights of free people around the world. The CCP routinely commits human rights abuses such as murder, organ-harvesting, mass false-imprisonment, and unconscionable torture. These actions make it clear that the goal of the CCP is to eradicate an entire religious movement in order to advance their communist ideology. These genocidal acts are irredeemable and have no place in today’s world.

“Please know I stand in solidarity with you in the fight against persecution and I look forward to the work we can accomplish together to bring justice for the Falun Gong. I am steadfast in my commitment to policies that secure religious freedom and human rights above all else. Your bravery and dedication in this fight against tyranny are wonderful examples of the right to freely practice your religion and serve as an example to Americans everywhere.”

Representative Sam Graves