(Minghui.org) Every year on International Yoga Day, June 21, people around the world host various events exploring methods that can bring people relaxation and calm minds. Practitioners in India participated in numerous events that day to introduce Falun Dafa to the public. After getting to know the practice and learning the exercises, people of different ages and backgrounds were interested, and said they would like to continue practicing Falun Dafa. Some said they felt energy flowing through their bodies while they did the exercises and afterwards they felt very relaxed.


Mumbai: College President Expects More Falun Dafa Workshops

Practitioners in Mumbai were invited to the Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI), one of the premier engineering colleges, to teach the Falun Dafa exercises to faculty and staff on June 21. The session was attended by Dr. Sachin Kore, president of VJTI, and Dr. D. N. Raut, chairman of the Production Engineering Department, and about 30 staff members.

After a brief introduction to Falun Dafa, practitioners demonstrated the first, second, and fifth exercises. They also talked about how the peaceful practice is brutally suppressed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

Dr. Kore said that he could feel energy while he did the exercises. He said that he wished to organise a larger Falun Dafa workshop for all institute students and faculty. Dr. Raut said that he already had the Falun Dafa books, and this session encouraged him to continue reading the books and doing the exercises.

Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute (VJTI) staff members learned the first, second, and fifth Falun Dafa exercises.


Bangalore: Learning Falun Dafa at a Child Care Centre

Practitioners in Bangalore visited the Smart Kids Zone child care center on June 21 and held a Falun Dafa workshop. Around 20 children attended it, along with their parents, yoga instructors, and teachers.

A practitioner (left) demonstrates the second Falun Dafa exercise during a workshop at the Smart Kids Zone child care centre.
Children, parents, and teachers at Smart Kids Zone attended the Falun Dafa introductory workshop.

The practitioners showed the attendees all five Falun Dafa exercises in an hour. The parents and teachers said that they felt energized, yet peaceful and calm.

“This is very easy to learn,” said one parent and another parent agreed. A teacher told practitioners that she would invite them back for further sessions. Some staff members asked practitioners about future sessions at other day care centers or schools.

A Falun Dafa poster displayed outside the Smart Kids Zone child care centre


Pune: Railway Employees Impressed by Falun Dafa Exercises

The Railways C&W Maintenance Depot in Pune hosted a Falun Dafa workshop on June 21 so that practitioners could show staff the exercises. Although many maintenance employees work in shifts and are very busy, 45 people attended the workshop. After watching an introductory video of Falun Dafa, everyone learned the second exercise.

Attendees said the practice was relaxing and made them feel comfortable. Practitioners then shared a link to an online workshop where employees could learn the other four exercises. They also donated a copy of Zhuan Falun (Falun Dafa’s main book) and Falun Gong to the employee library.

Railway maintenance employees watch an introductory video.
Maintenance employees learned the second Falun Dafa exercise.

Mr. Meena, the welfare inspector, said that he enjoyed the workshop very much. “During the activity, I experienced really positive sensations and energy [in my body.] Additionally, the music was incredibly calming.”

Mr. Watave, manager of the maintenance department, agreed. “I was unfamiliar with Falun Dafa and looked it up online before the session. Especially for our staff who work under a lot of pressure with tight deadlines, this meditation is most beneficial,” he said.

When receiving the Falun Dafa books, Mr. Watave expressed his thanks and said, “I will encourage everyone to read the books on Falun Dafa, which will be placed in the Railways library.”

A Falun Dafa practitioner donated two Falun Dafa books to the manager of the maintenance department.


Wardha: 150 Pharmaceutical Students Learn the Exercises

Dr. Ganjiwale, president of the Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (IPER) in Wardha, invited local practitioners to teach his students the Falun Dafa exercises. Among 150 students that attended the session, many said that they could feel energy while doing the exercises.

Introducing Falun Dafa at the Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (IPER) in Wardha
Practitioners demonstrate the first exercise.
Students learn the fifth exercise.
Practitioners provided copies of Falun Gong and Zhuan Falun to principal Dr. Ganjiwale (right) for the school library as a gift after the session.

Dr. Nilesh Karande, a faculty member at the college who helped to organise the session, said he was impressed by the activity and asked practitioners to return and conduct more sessions. He believed the exercises had a positive effect on the participants’ physical and mental well-being.

The students asked practitioners to hold another session so that they could learn all five exercises. Dr. Ganjiwale thanked the practitioners and gave them a certificate.

President Dr. Ganjiwale presents practitioners with a certificate


Nagpur: Professors Are Happy to Learn Falun Dafa

Practitioners in Nagpur held a workshop at the Ambedkar Institute of Social Work, an affiliate of Nagpur University. After learning the first, second, and fifth exercises, 14 professors said that they would like to continue practicing.

Practitioners first explained the mental and physical benefits of practicing Falun Dafa. They also said that the CCP has persecuted the group for 25 years, since July 1999. Mr. Gajghatey, one of the professors, said he was shocked to hear that such a peaceful meditation group was brutally suppressed in China.

After the session, several professors asked about group practice sites in Nagpur so that they could continue practicing. Some asked detailed questions about how to perform the exercises and the amount of time needed.

Professors learn the fifth Falun Dafa exercise.


Introducing Falun Dafa in Jammu and Kashmir

A practitioner in Jammu and Kashmir organized an exercise teaching session at his workplace, a silkworm seed production center. Twelve coworkers learned the Falun Dafa exercises during their break time. After the session, they told the practitioner that they found the practice very effective because they could feel strong energy.

A practitioner shows his coworkers the fifth Falun Dafa exercise