Celebrations of World Falun Dafa Day in Italy

(Minghui.org) To celebrate World Falun Dafa Day and the birthday of Master Li Hongzhi, the founder of Falun Gong, Falun Gong practitioners from throughout Italy held celebrations in several cities on May 11 and 12, 2024.

In Milan, practitioners from throughout Italy took part in a two-day group Fa study, demonstrated the exercises, and held celebratory activities in the Rotonda della Besana Park and Piazza 24 maggio. During the two days, the practitioners also shared experiences of cultivating in Dafa, and spiritual insights from the teachings.

Falun Gong practitioners in Italy celebrated World Falun Dafa Day and wished the Master Li a happy birthday on May 11 and 12, 2024!



Roman Falun Gong practitioners celebrate World Falun Dafa Day and wish its founder a happy birthday!


Florence & Tuscany

Falun Gong practitioners across Tuscana-Florence celebrate World Falun Dafa Day! Practitioners called out loudly, “Happy Birthday, Master Li!”



Falun Gong practitioners in Turin wish Master a happy birthday!



Bologna Falun Gong practitioners wish Master a happy birthday!


The clarifying the truth event attracted people and tourists visiting the area. Seeing the peaceful demonstrations by Falun Gong practitioners, people were delighted to be told the Falun Dafa principles Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. They also condemned the persecution, and many learned the exercises by watching the practitioners’ demonstration.

Stefano, an Italian practitioner, said: “I read the introductory Dafa Book Falun Gong in 2016, and it was a blessing. During that time, I traveled all kinds of paths, hoping to understand the meaning of life, including how to spend my life. I saw hope because in fact every path I take, there is something I hope to be able to understand at the end of the journey. In the past I spent a lot of money and invested a lot of time, but nothing worked.”

“The book Falun Gong is so inspiring. Falun Dafa taught me how to follow the moral principles of life – Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance – how to improve my mind day after day, and cherish the opportunity to cultivate in this life. Today, as we celebrate World Falun Dafa Day, I would like to thank Mr. Li for making Falun Dafa accessible to people all over the world.”

Falun Gong practitioners in Milan clarify the truth of Falun Gong to passers-by.

Several Vietnamese practitioners living in Milan also expressed their gratitude. Among them, Anna Phuong, a Vietnamese practitioner, said, “I have benefited a lot from practicing Falun Dafa. My health has improved a lot. Many doctors in different hospitals told me that I had two big cysts in my ovaries and that I would not be able to become a mother if I did not undergo surgery. But, after only two years of cultivating, the cysts became smaller, and now I am a mother. It’s a miracle. After a period of practice, my chronic headaches disappeared. After reading the book Zhuan Falun my outlook of life has broadened a lot. I saw my attachments and learned to let go of them, improve my mind, and improve myself. I felt a sense of relief in my heart, something I had never felt before I cultivated.”

Khue, a Vietnamese student who has been practicing for six years, said, “I want to thank Master Li for changing my life. My heart is calmer, more serene, more positive, happier and I’m healthier!”

Vietnamese practitioners Khue, Anna, Linh and Thu dressed in traditional Vietnamese costumes (from left to right)