(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa’s main book, Zhuan Falun, was first published in China in 1995. Although the teachings were in Chinese, it did not stop the practice from quickly being taken up by people of all nationalities. The principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance resonated with many different ethnic groups, inspiring them to change their lives for the better.

Practitioners in Poland translated Zhuan Falun for the first time in 2007. In 2017, they started to revise it and completed the second edition in 2018. Because the teachings are so profound, the translation team discussed them extensively to ensure the meanings were as correct as possible.

Polish practitioners read Zhuan Falun regularly and apply the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance in their daily lives.


Illnesses Disappear

Before he began practicing Falun Dafa, Tomasz had had migraine headaches for years. Sometimes he passed out from the pain. He developed photophobia and vomited when the pain was intense. Painkillers had no effect on him. “I used the drugs a few times and realised that they had little effect, so I decided to stop taking them,” Tomasz said.

To make things worse, doctors could not figure out what was wrong with him. “I had all kinds of tests, including a CT scan. The results showed that I didn’t have a brain tumor like I suspected or any brain lesions. I was shocked and couldn’t understand why modern medicine wasn’t able to explain why I was so sick,” he said.

Tomasz had had strong spiritual inclinations since he was a child and was interested in learning about new ways to improve spiritually. After they discussed spirituality one day in 2019, a coworker gave him a copy of Zhuan Falun. Tomasz was about to go on vacation but decided to take the book with him and read it on the plane.

“As soon as I opened Zhuan Falun and read a few pages, I immediately saw answers to my questions. I knew this was the spiritual path I had sought for years, and I wanted to follow it,” he said. “I felt as if a blockage was suddenly removed from me that prevented me from truly knowing the world around me.”

From Master Li Hongzhi’s teachings, Tomasz understood that karma from previous wrongdoings was the source of all human suffering, including illness. It suddenly made sense to him why he was in pain even though doctors couldn’t find anything wrong. He understood that the best way to end this suffering was to improve his character and elevate his moral standards so that he would stop doing things that accumulate more karma. He soon began putting this into action, focusing on rejecting negative thoughts while living according to Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. The results were remarkable.

“Practicing Falun Dafa freed me from migraines,” Tomasz said. “I noticed that my health has improved significantly since taking up the practice.

“I used to be arrogant and impatient. I had a lot of anger inside me and often looked down on others. Studying Zhuan Falun regularly helped eliminate these negative substances,” he added. “I’m no longer impatient. I’ve not only stopped thinking badly about others, I’ve also become more rational.”

Tomasz (left) tells a couple about Falun Dafa at an event.


Overcoming the Boundaries of Scientific Knowledge

Monica had a variety of ailments when she was a child—from constant colds, sinusitis, and asthma, to hypertension, arrhythmia, and Barrett’s esophagus. All of these conditions followed her into adulthood. She was often at the office of one doctor or another, and a significant portion of her diet consisted of medicine.

“I remember one year literally running from doctor to doctor. There was hardly a week without an appointment with a specialist somewhere,” she said. “It got to the point where I was taking a large handful of different pills three times a day, every day. When I left the house, I always took ‘just in case’ medication with me.

“I strongly believed in science, so I thought that only Western medicine could help me,” said Monica. For a long time, she thought the best outcome was that her conditions could be treated but not cured. She accepted the fact that she might have to take medications for the rest of her life.

Monica heard about Falun Dafa in 2015, and when she read Zhuan Falun, she had a better understanding of why people become ill and the importance of raising one’s morality. Her health soon improved and she no longer needed medication.

“I decided to gradually stop taking the high blood pressure medication, so I asked a doctor friend if I could reduce the dose every day and finally stop taking it completely,” recalled Monica. “I was surprised to discover that I felt worse on those days when I took part of a pill. After I completely stopped taking them, I felt much better.”

After Monica stopped taking her medications, she said she “never felt so good.” She also says she’s become more open-minded and tolerant since taking up Falun Dafa. She learned to be grateful for the many blessings in her life.

“As I continued reading Zhuan Falun, I experienced many miracles, just like that, gently and quietly,” she said. “I’ve had immeasurable positive changes in my life—including in my personal life with my family, and my social contacts, to my professional life. Everything was transformed for the better and are more rewarding and healthier.”

Monica hands out Falun Dafa flyers.


Gratitude to Master Li and Zhuan Falun

For Tomasz and Monica and many other Polish practitioners, Zhuan Falun guided them out of the most difficult times in their lives, and they say they’ve become more optimistic, tolerant, and forgiving.

“I am grateful to Master Li for showing me how to be a better person and guiding me to abandon my bad behavior. I try to improve myself on a daily basis without hurting others. There are many situations that test my character, and I try to remain calm and undisturbed,” said Tomasz. “I strive to improve myself based on Falun Dafa’s teachings.”

Before she started to practice, Monica was anxious about her health; every little discomfort seemed to signal a new illness. Since she’s been practicing she’s been happy—her health improved and she’s more relaxed. She said her understanding of illness, health, and life completely changed.

“Every day I experience blessings from Falun Dafa. There are real miracles in every aspect of my life, especially when I remember how I looked at the world before,” she said.

“On the 30th anniversary since Zhuan Falun was first published, I am truly grateful that I can apply the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to my life. I hope more people can benefit from the practice like I have. Falun Dafa helped me to correct my mistakes and become better every day,” said Tomasz.