(Minghui.org) Once a week beginning in December 2024, a Falun Dafa truth-clarification site has been set up in Saint Pierre, a city on Réunion Island, a territory of France. Reunion Island being located in the Indian Ocean, near Madagascar. Practitioners share information about Falun Dafa and collect signatures on a petition calling for an end to the persecution of the practice in China.
My Initial Struggles with Collecting Signatures
Collecting signatures was quite a test for me. At first, people would avoid eye contact, steer clear of the display boards, and seem anxious to avoid us. When I greeted someone and handed them a flyer, I felt awkward if they refused. But as I persisted and sent forth righteous thoughts, I was less bothered, and, gradually, more and more people expressed interest. When I greeted them, they responded and asked questions. When we started, I could only collect a page or two of signatures. Now, it can be four or five pages a day.

Answering People’s Questions with Wisdom
For me, getting people to sign the petition is a way for people to support Falun Dafa. When people asked me what difference signing the petition would make, I was unsure how to answer at first. Surprisingly, as I talked to people more, the answers naturally came to me, and my arguments became increasingly solid.
For example, I tell them that their signature that day might seem like just a drop in the bucket, but all these drops will eventually form an ocean. Even if it takes years to accomplish, the collection of one billion signatures must start now and cannot be delayed. Every signature matters.
Also, only with a significant number of signatures will our government speak up for us. And support is needed from other nations. The signatures on this global petition will encourage world leaders to work together to demand that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) stop persecuting Falun Dafa. These words naturally come to my mind, and, because I firmly believe in them, my conviction influences whoever I speak to.
When people say, “This is happening in China—what does it have to do with people here?” I respond, “All of humanity is like a family. Shouldn’t we help each other? The freedoms we have—freedom of religion, thought, and speech—should not be enjoyed by only a privileged few. Everyone should have them. We should help those who suffer human rights abuses in other parts of the world. If we were imprisoned and being tortured in China, we would also hope that someone would come rescue us.”
Sometimes, I explain to people that the victims of the persecution are innocent—they strive to improve themselves and be good people—whereas those who inflict harm upon the innocent are truly evil. I help them understand that, in this situation, the distinction between good and evil is very clear. What is happening in China is precisely a battle between righteousness and wickedness.
Appealing to People’s Consciences
Since most people here have religious beliefs, discussing the spiritual aspects of Falun Dafa is easy. People accept this without difficulty, because it resonates with their own faith. They can easily recognise the righteousness of Falun Dafa and the evil nature of the communist regime.
The CCP promotes atheism and opposes all religious beliefs and spiritual practices. When the CCP seized power, the first thing it did was to make people stop believing in the divine. It’s a prerequisite for making the population submissive and obedient to the regime.
In reality, if people no longer believe in good and evil, heaven and hell, there is nothing to restrain their thoughts or actions. Forcing people to participate in the persecution of Falun Dafa doesn’t just affect practitioners; the entire population is compelled to participate in this persecution. This is extremely serious because, in doing so, they are committing crimes that could lead to dire consequences. People can accept this explanation.
I realise that it is the wisdom Falun Dafa has bestowed upon me that enables me to easily move people’s hearts. As a result, almost everyone signs the petition. Those who voluntarily stop to sign are mostly very humble. Many young people between the ages of 15 and 25 have been deeply moved—some even tear up. I can sense their innocence and kindness. Perhaps this was the first time they were aware that such atrocities still exist in the world today.
We have been clarifying the truth and collecting signatures here for nearly two months. People have started to stop on their own to read our display boards. Some people have even expressed an interest in learning Falun Dafa, so I taught them the exercises.
Articles in which cultivators share their understandings typically reflect an individual’s perception at a point in time based on their cultivation state, and they are offered in the spirit of enabling mutual elevation.
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