(Minghui.org) As Shen Yun continues to tour Europe and America during the Chinese New Year, a number of Chinese nationals have been able to catch the performances and expressed pride and appreciation in their feedback.
“I Really Want to Thank These Performers”
Muzi Zhao, a teacher from China, saw Shen Yun in Sacramento, California, on February 2.
“I myself studied literature, so I’m very interested in our traditional Chinese culture. Seeing such a performance, I felt that it was a complete presentation of some things that we have not seen for a long time and may not have seen for a long time in China,” Ms. Zhao said.
“The dancers of Shen Yun, from the moment they came out, maybe because of the colors of their costumes, I was stunned first of all. Then the choreography of each program was also very exquisite. I think they used the shortest time to present the maximum content.
“I think a performance like this might be trying to tell us that only by being a good person can you get a good script. Just like that saying, ‘Good stories only love good people.’ Maybe these things were given to us by the divine and are divinely bestowed favors.
“During a few programs, while I felt very worried as I watched, and while I may have even sweat for these good people, suddenly the divine descended from the sky and arrived. I felt that the divine protected these good people. So I think this might want to warn us humans that we should be good people from the bottom of our hearts.
“I really want to thank these performers from Shen Yun Performing Arts. I think they are doing something great,” she said.

“I Feel Very Proud”
Fitness coach Ms. Sun and her family saw Shen Yun in Orange Park, Florida, on January 28. This was the family’s second time seeing Shen Yun.
“When Shen Yun’s curtain rose, I felt a surge of energy coming towards me… This energy ran through from beginning to end,” said Ms. Sun, who engaged in foreign trade back in China and is now a fitness coach teaching Tai Chi and qigong.
“This was an inner joy, a kind of telepathy, and everyone could receive this magnetic field,” she said.
“They could achieve this kind of artistic attainment, this kind of state—it is not something ordinary people can achieve.
“They may have been goddesses in their previous lives. Watching this show just felt like they were goddesses who descended to earth.
“There are very few performances that truly depict that kind of spirit—belief in the divine, tradition, basically the things from our ancestors in China… Nowadays, children are exposed to Hollywood and those popular things, but this [Shen Yun] is truly an art that touches the soul… This is also an inspiration for children, an early spiritual inspiration, something that cannot be learned in school.”
Knowing that Shen Yun has eight companies touring globally, she said, “I feel very proud. I feel that it is, of course, something to be very proud of, that this art, our traditional Chinese art, can be loved by so many all over the world, loved by everybody. Like, today was a full house.”
Ms. Sun’s husband Mark is a nuclear power expert who built nuclear power plants in China. Mark is very interested in Chinese culture, and the couple meditates every day.
Mark said that he could “very clearly” feel Shen Yun’s energy. “This energy was not a sensory experience but more like a spiritual connection, more than something you see or hear. This energy transcended the senses, was more powerful, and was a deeper connection (with the divine)… The essence of this divine energy, whatever its form, could touch the heart and inspire our deeper understanding of life,” he said.

“Very Touching and Very Good”
Mr. Chen, who is currently studying in Italy, saw Shen Yun in Rome. He said he felt “very proud.” Seeing Shen Yun is his most important ritual to celebrate the Chinese New Year. Before seeing Shen Yun in Rome, he had already followed and seen Shen Yun in several other cities.
“Shen Yun came to Rome during the New Year, which is a rare opportunity, so I followed in the footsteps of Shen Yun and came to Rome on vacation,” Mr. Chen said.
“I really like traditional Chinese culture. Shen Yun presents the divine world, which is something that cannot be seen in China. I found it very touching and very good.
“I learned from the emcee that Shen Yun is currently touring the world with eight companies at the same time. This shows that traditional culture is a common thread among people from different countries in the world and can touch everyone’s heart. This is great,” he said.
He said he cried while watching the scene portraying forced organ harvesting from Falun Gong practitioners in China. “Following Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance to be a good person and yet suffering this kind of torture… This should not happen… The persecution happening in China should be made known to the whole world,” Mr. Chen said.
Shen Yun Continues to Perform to Full Houses in Europe and America

The six performances in Rome February 1–5 were sold out three months in advance. After the local host made seats with obstructed view available for sale, tickets were sold out again.

“A Beautiful Performance All the Way Around”
Philanthropist Susan Naylor sits on the board of the Tobin Centre for the Performing Arts, which has hosted Shen Yun Performing Arts for more than a decade. On February 2, she and friends Kristina and Kyle Davidson attended the performance for the first time.
“This was my first time, and it was just a beautiful performance all the way around,” said Ms. Naylor.
“Just the merging of the dance with the costumes and the way it’s presented with the screens, I’ve never seen anything like it,” she said.
“I thought it was beautiful,” Ms. Naylor added. “And to me, it presented the beauty of nature in China.”
Ms. Naylor said what struck her most was the artists’ honesty, which she felt was conveyed through the performance.
“They’re beautiful dancers, beautiful costumes, but just the honesty of what they’re presenting, and the message, the message that they’re presenting, it was just beautiful,” she said.
Ms. Naylor felt it was a message “of honesty, innocence, purity, peace.”
“It seems to come from the heart,” she said. “It comes into our hearts, yes. From their hearts to ours.”
Ms. Davidson, too, was amazed by the artistry of the performance and added that the music made a big impression on her.
“Music—amazing. Orchestra—awesome. I feel like the dancers became the music. It’s like they were one with the music,” she said. “It was just really fun to watch.”

“Perfection that Cannot Be Found Anywhere Else in the World”
Jürgen Witt, an opera singer, saw Shen Yun in Berlin on January 28.
“Whether it was the singing, the instrumental music, the dancing, or the stunning cinemascope visuals I saw, everything was truly unique. It achieved a level of perfection that cannot be found anywhere else in the world,” said Mr. Witt.

For more information about performance times, locations, and tickets, please visit www.shenyun.com.
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