(Minghui.org) In early December 2024, the Falun Gong Twin Cities Club at the University of Minnesota organised two film screenings of the documentary State Organs – a 2025 Oscar contender that exposes the state-sanctioned forced organ harvesting by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Around 40 people attended both events, including university students, faculty members, and members of the general public.

Audience Response
Dr. Kirk Allison, a current faculty member at the Health Humanities Program at the College of Saint Scholastica and the previous Human Rights and Health Program Director at the University of Minnesota, said that this issue is beyond the differences between the two U.S. political parties. “It is hard to believe that it has been 25 years,” he said, adding that this is not a China problem but rather a communism problem.
In an email received a few days later, Dr. Allison praised the documentary, “In matters of ethics and the moral universe, both ends and means count. Such means above convert a possible good into an explicit evil, with many direct and complicit actors both far and near. In the matter of national, international, and commercial policy, recognizing the nature of the beast is the necessary first step. State Organs has provided a window for the willing.”

The Film Exposes the CCP’s Lies
State Organs chronicles the CCP’s persecution of Falun Gong and the acceleration of forced organ harvesting in China over the past 25 years since Jiang Zemin [former head of the CCP] decided, rather unilaterally, that the spiritual movement must be eradicated from China – a philosophical genocide.
The persecution is followed by the exponential increase of transplanting hospitals and of organs available in a week or two, including whole liver transplants which require a death, offered with matching-on-demand to transplant tourists who would pay handsome fees to bypass multi-year waiting lines of voluntary systems of organ donation featuring many millions registered, but available only on the basis of random accident.
Clearly a guaranteed HLA matched organ within a week was no function of accidents, but corresponded to an available suitable population – as noted by some who recanted or fled – selectively and consistently being blood typed, and even held in re-education through labor camps and abused in an ongoing fashion in ways that avoided targeting and damaging central organs.
What State Organs adds to prior documentary accounts are recent developments, including the effect of accumulated evidence over the past 25 years such as recorded calls to hospitals confirming availability of healthy organs expressly from Falun Gong or expressly on demand, and eye-witness accounts of former guards and medical staff who saw or participated physically in the forced extraction of organs from still living prisoners of conscience, buttressed by data collection and analysis by researchers. It is additionally an inside pitch concerning the self-described virtues of the philosophy and practice [of Falun Gong].
State Organs also summarises official recognition of such atrocities by the European Union, the U.S. House of Representatives (2024), and in the conclusions of the 2020 “Independent Tribunal into Forced Organ: Harvesting from Prisoners of Conscience in China” Chaired by former International Criminal Court Prosecutor Sir Geoffrey Nice. The Tribunal found clearly demonstrated the reality of forced organ harvesting on a massive scale from prisoners of conscience, in the past chiefly from Falun Gong, but also involving unregistered Christians and others.
Also of concern have been the enabling practices of The Transplantation Society, which, claiming an ephemeral hope of promoting ethical reform, continued to encourage training Chinese transplant surgeons, increasing the volume capacity of the system clearly dependent on prisoner organs, one which now features a centralised but nontransparent national tracking system – increasing efficiency under the fig-leaf of inscrutable claims of voluntary organ availability unmatched statistically anywhere in the free world. Still unexplained: the massive numbers of ongoing transplants including to transplant tourists, if also more discretely advertised and arranged than the China International Transplant Center’s prior recruiting website proclamation that “Viscera providers can be found immediately!”
Falun Gong Practitioners Call on People to Help Raise Awareness
Vivian, a Falun Gong practitioner who escaped from China, told film attendees about her family’s experience of facing the persecution in China. Her mother was imprisoned without a fair trial simply for clarifying the truth about Falun Gong at Tiananmen Square. “While in prison, every day, she would see some practitioners taken away and they never came back. Everyone knew that they most probably got picked for organ harvesting.
“When I first came to the States, I was hiding behind the iron curtain because of fear and the indifference instilled by the CCP,” said Joy, another Falun Gong practitioner from China. “I decided to open up and step forward when I was immersed in the kindness of the American people, which made me realize that this is actually the normal social behaviors among human beings.” Joy reminded audience members to be wary of the CCP’s tactics for influencing people outside of China, “The CCP has been expanding its human rights violations and the persecution to U.S. soil. That’s transnational repression.” She urged each of them to, “help spread the truth and to safeguard the freedom of belief.”
Audience Reactions
After the screening, two audience members approached a Falun Gong practitioner and asked if Falun Gong was against the CCP before the persecution and if that was the reason why the CCP decided to initiate the persecution. The practitioner explained that they only began to clarify the truth after the persecution started and that it was an effort to help people in the world differentiate themselves from the CCP before the Party eventually faces the ultimate consequences of its crimes. The two people said that they now understood.
A university student expressed regret, saying she wished she could have spent more time talking to Chinese Falun Gong practitioners to learn more about their first-hand experiences of the persecution. She was particularly interested after learning that the persecution of Falun Gong is also an indirect persecution of Chinese people and she excitedly shared this realisation with her friend.
A gentleman who attended the screening said he enjoyed the documentary very much, adding that he felt as though the practitioners were old friends.
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