(Minghui.org) Local Falun Dafa practitioners organised two Information Day events, one in Brasov on November 9, 2024, and the other in Bucharest on November 16, 2024. They introduced Falun Dafa (also known as Falun Gong) and raised awareness of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution in China. Dafa practitioners distributed fliers and brochures to passersby and collected signatures calling for an end to the CPP’s state-sanctioned forced organ harvesting from live Falun Gong practitioners.
Practitioners set up banners introducing Falun Dafa and the facts of the persecution in China. Many passersby stopped and read the banners. Those who didn’t have time to read took fliers. One woman thanked a practitioner for the flier and said, “How beautiful! We all need self-discipline.” Another woman remarked that “tolerance and patience would be good for the entire family.”
“Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance Forms a Solid Basis for Healthy Relationships”
Ana-Maria Ambarus, a content moderator who lives in Brasov, was drawn to the booth after she saw the displays. “Above the booth was a placard with a rather intriguing message, which immediately made me want to find out what it was all about, and immediately made me want to help, and contribute to the cause,” Ambarus said.
She also resonated deeply with the principles practiced by Falun Dafa practitioners. “I believe in the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. These are the values that should be part of and implemented in everyday life because they form a solid basis for healthy human relationships,” she said.
“Practicing this cultivation system helps us integrate at a deeper level in society. Holding compassion, people can be more open to the needs of others. Not only that but also I would like to offer support to others. Being tolerant, we can accept the people around us without discriminating against them. Truthfulness helps maintain a relationship based on honesty and respect. This is a principle that supports our life.”
For Ana-Maria, Falun Dafa is a valuable part of the Chinese culture that deserves people’s respect. “I find it unacceptable that people practicing it are being ridiculed, killed and their organs trafficked. It’s senseless in a 21st-century society,” she said.
She encourages more people to get involved and support Falun Dafa, a practice that “brings nothing harmful to the environment and society [that would] justify the CCP’s atrocities against it.”
Ana-Maria signed the petition to stop the persecution and added “I have only words of praise and respect for those who practice it, as each person who practices it makes their own contribution. Any small contribution can make a difference.”

Ecobici Dan Sebastian from Târgu Jiu, a 19-year-old high school graduate, came to the Falun Dafa booth when he realised that the event was related to the human rights violations committed by the CCP.
Sebastian sees the principles of Falun Dafa as universal values that build virtue, and are a reflection of the teachings taught by Jesus to people so that by following this way, they can be saved by the Creator. “Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance are virtues. They are the teachings given by god. The most precious is forgiveness. It is more precious than gold,” he said.
He signed the petition condemning the CCP. “Personally, I don’t want communism in the world, I sign everything against communism,” he said.

Legal Advisor: “We Can Help Practitioners”
Iustina Streza, legal advisor, and Adrian Cazan came to the Falun Dafa booth after receiving a flier on the street. “I came back primarily because I saw that you are working to stop the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners in China, and automatically this image of a man imprisoned behind iron bars and persecuted sensitised me, and made me want to go back to see what this is all about and sign the petition so that we can help those persecuted. I believe that we can help them,” said Iustina.
She made it a point to read up on the official Falun Dafa website to understand in detail how people can benefit from the practice. “From my point of view, these exercises help both the physical, emotional, and mental condition of each individual who participates in such practices, and I am open to any practice that can help me develop as an individual, as a human being, in every way. We will research more on the website and on the leaflets that you have given us, and we will contact you, and we will certainly participate,” said Iustina.

Dani, a ninth grader, immediately decided to help the practitioners hand out fliers near the Falun Dafa stand after a practitioner told him about the practice and the persecution. He said that he was waiting for someone, and in the meantime, he wanted to help and didn’t want to sit by idly.

Cristian, a high school student, thought the principles of Dafa were very good: “These are the principles we all need.” When he heard about the persecution, he wanted to do his part to stop it and signed the petition.
On November 16, Bucharest resident Silviu signed the petition and said, “This can’t be. We must stop the persecution of these innocent people in China.”

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