(Minghui.org) The Festival of Silence was held from August 16 to 18 in Bauska Hillfort Park in Latvia. The festival provides people with an opportunity to take a break from their daily routines and hectic lives, to relax, renew, and deeply get to know themselves.
The organisers showcased the educational portion of the event, which focused on a person’s physical and mental health. Visitors were able to try different self-improvement practices and meditations and participate in creative workshops and other activities.
On Saturday, August 17, festival organisers invited practitioners to introduce Falun Dafa. Throughout the day, practitioners demonstrated and taught people the five Falun Dafa exercises.

Visitors talked with practitioners and learned about Falun Dafa’s principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. Many visitors were interested in learning the exercises and after trying them out said they felt relaxed and expressed a desire to start practicing regularly. Practitioners told them where the practice sites are located in Latvia.
A woman from Ireland who is a teacher was interested in Falun Dafa. After learning about the wonderful effects of Falun Dafa on a person’s mental and physical health, she said she wanted to start practicing. The practitioner gave her the contact information for Irish practitioners.
After she made a lotus flower and received a book about a lotus flower as a gift, the woman was very happy. She said her trip to Latvia was not in vain, because she’d learned about Falun Dafa. When she returned to Ireland she would tell her students about this wonderful practice, teach them how to make lotus flowers, and read them the tale of the lotus flower. The woman was very touched and grateful.

Practitioners were invited to present the Falun Dafa exercises on the stage near Bauska Castle, during which the short film “Getting to Know Falun Dafa” was shown on the large screen. The practitioners then demonstrated the five exercises. They began by telling people the importance of each exercise and how it benefits the human body.
Even though it rained during the presentation, many people got up and followed along with practitioners’ movements as they did the exercises. After the presentation, people thanked practitioners. One group of women enthusiastically said, “Those who have Falun Dafa in their cities must be happy!”

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