Cheng Peiming described how he was subjected to detention, torture, and organ harvesting in China.

Witnesses speak out on the forced organ harvesting in China

For Immediate release

Wed 14 August 2024, 11.30am-12.30pm 

Location: Federation Mall, Parliament House

CANBERRA (14 August)– Survivors from Chinese prisons and forced labour camps will join hundreds from the Australian Falun Gong community at the Parliament House in Canberra on 14 August to expose the forced organ harvesting in China and urge Parliamentarians to help stop the organ harvesting against its followers during the 25-year long human rights violations. 

Ms Vivi Zhuang, among other witnesses is a survivor from the persecution of Falun Gong in Chinese detention. Ms Zhuang was subject to blood-test and medical examination in Shanghai while she was detained for 2 years of forced labour camp in year 2001-2002 and then incarcerated for another 2 years in prison in 2011-2013. Ms Zhuang’s experience of blood test, which typical for many Falun Gong practitioners during Chinese imprisonment, is believed to help collect data in an organ bank for organ trafficking purpose. Ms Zhuang and her daughter come to Canberra this week to call for help from Australian government to rescue her husband who has been persecuted in China. She is really worried about the safety of her husband Ms Tao Li who has not seen Ms Zhuang and their daughter for 10 years. Ms Zhuang’s husband was also blood-tested when he was sent to 1.5 years forced labour 2001-2002 and while he was arrested again in August 2020.

Viv and Daughter
Ms Viv Zhuang and Daughter

Ms Zhuang’s experience in detention reflected a similar experience of Mr Pei Ming Cheng, the first known survivor of China’s alleged forced organ harvesting. Mr Cheng was reported in the media that he had part of his lung and liver cut out while he endured years of prison and torture for practising the Falun Gong belief in China. Mr Cheng has X-ray scans that show part of his organs were removed during the imprisonment. 

“We hope Australian Government can support a motion and bill to help stop the persecution and forced organ harvesting in China, which has torn hundreds of thousands of families apart,” said Dr Lucy Zhao, President of the Falun Dafa Association. Dr Zhao explains that US Senate is considering the Falun Gong Protection Act, which Act was passed in the House and aims to impose sanctions on anyone entering US suspected of participating in organ harvesting crimes in China. 

Ms Zhuang is among dozens of Australian families who are calling for help to rescue their family members persecuted in China. “My daughter and I are really concerned about the safety of my husband, and we are worried that he may suddenly disappear in China. We hope Australian government can help him come to Australia soon to reunite with us.” Ms Zhuang said. 

“Such actions by our Parliament will give hope to countless victims and survivors, currently living in Australia, and encourage those who still have family members persecuted in China”, said Dr Zhao. 

The Falun Gong spiritual practice, which involves meditative exercises and Buddhist teachings, was illegally banned in China on July 20, 1999. For more information, visit and

For more information, or to arrange interviews, contact: John Deller 0425 833 132 or Lucy Zhao 0404 988 789