(Minghui.org) Falun Dafa practitioners from Seattle were invited to participate in the Fall City Day Festival in Fall City, Washington, on June 8, 2024. It was the first time for them to participate in this event, and they received the Best General Entry Award.

Fall City is located about 26 miles to the east of Seattle, adjacent to the famous Snoqualmie Falls. The city is known for its beautiful natural scenery and warm community atmosphere.

Fall City Day Festival is an important annual event, and celebrates local culture and community spirit. It includes a spectacular Fall City Day parade and a wide variety of colorful stalls.

Besides participating in the parade, practitioners also set up a stall and introduced the beauty and hope of Falun Dafa to people.

The practitioners’ entry was mainly composed of a waist drum team, which included practitioners from Seattle and some Canadian cities. They played drums accompanied by the melody of “Falun Dafa is Good.” Their performance was praised by spectators, and people kept applauding as the waist drum team went by.

Practitioners’ waist drum team performance was warmly welcomed by the audience.


Parade Host: Falun Dafa Promotes Mental and Physical Health

When the practitioners’ entry marched by the stage, the host introduced them: “Falun Gong, also known as Falun Dafa, is a cultivation method that promote people’s mental and physical health. It includes standing exercises and sitting meditation, and guides people to uplift their morality by following the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.” “Waist drum is used to celebrate harvest and new year in Chinese traditional culture. Even though the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners for 25 years, they continue to practice. We celebrate and applaud their great courage.”

Practitioners’ performance impressed people so much that some came to the practitioners’ booth to thank them. One person said, “I really appreciate that you participated in the parade. You are amazing. From the smiles on your faces, I can feel the spiritual influence that you emit. You brought smiles to everyone here.”


Practitioners’ Entry Receives “Best General Entry Award”

Trese Rand, Grand Marshall of the event organiser, came to the Falun Dafa booth after the parade and gave practitioners the “Best General Entry Award” certificate. She said, “You entry was a true performance and your performance was unique. I’m really glad you came here.”

Besides participating in the parade, practitioners also set up a booth at a center street and introduced Falun Dafa to people.

Many people stopped at the practitioners’ booth to get more information about Falun Dafa.


Visitors Want to Know More about Falun Dafa and Learn to Practice it

Many people stopped at the practitioners’ booth and watched as they demonstrated the exercises. They talked to the practitioners and learned the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance that practitioners follow, and that Falun Dafa is a cultivation practice that benefits people’s bodies and minds and helps them improve their morality, and that Falun Dafa is practiced in over 100 countries or territories.

A resident said that he heard about the CCP’s cruel persecution of practitioners, and said the CCP is persecuting kind and honest people. He condemned the persecution and called it ridiculous and cruel.

Many people said they were interested in practicing Falun Dafa. Multiple people came to the booth and said that they wanted to know more about the spiritual discipline and learn how to practice Falun Dafa. Practitioners gave them a deeper introduction and the contact information for local practice sites.