(Minghui.org) Practitioners were invited to introduce Falun Dafa in Villa Beausoleil, a care home in Drancy, a commune in the northeastern suburbs of Paris, on June 19, 2024. The elderly residents and employees learned the traditional cultivation practice and said that it meant a lot to them.

People in Villa Beausoleil watch a film about Falun Dafa.

Seniors and employees of Villa Beausoleil learn the Falun Dafa exercises.

Eighty-eight-year-old Francois carefully learned the Falun Dafa exercises. He told practitioners that the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance were great values, and he would continue to do the exercises. He said he wished to learn the complete set of exercises the next time the practitioners came.

Christelle Charras, an employee of Villa Beausoleil, took photos of the practitioners’ exercise demonstration and introductory activities. She said that practicing Falun Dafa was very meaningful, “The values of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance strongly resonate with me. They are so important! People today need such connection between inner self and body. It’s a great way of balancing life and staying away from interference.”

Christelle said that practicing Falun Dafa was especially important for seniors, because this stage of life often brought discomfort, isolation, and a tendency to lose control of their bodies, but doing the exercises would help them.

Another employee said that doing the exercises would be a great way to help people relax. The attendees thanked the practitioners for introducing Falun Dafa and asked when they would return.

Practitioners share introductory flyers.