(Minghui.org) World Falun Dafa Day celebrations were held in major cities in Australia to wish Master Li, the founder of Falun Dafa, a happy birthday and to mark the 32nd anniversary of Falun Dafa’s public introduction. Officials, local community leaders, and citizens honored the occasion and commended the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance.
Letters from Federal Members of Parliament (MP)

The letter reads, “World Falun Dafa Day serves as a significant occasion to commemorate the introduction of Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong, to the people of China in May 1992. As we mark 32 years since its inception, it is a moment to reflect on the enduring principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance that form the cornerstone of this ancient practice.
“Falun Dafa embodies the essence of traditional Chinese culture, offering a path to holistic well-being through its gentle exercises and adherence to moral principles. By nurturing the mind, body, and spirit, practitioners of Falun Dafa experience improvements in health, vitality, and emotional well-being, leading to a more fulfilling life.
“The global reach of Falun Dafa, with approximately 100 million practitioners across 100 countries, speaks volumes about its universal appeal and the profound impact it has had on countless individuals worldwide. Its teachings, translated into 49 languages, have touched lives and fostered positive transformations, promoting harmony and inner peace within diverse communities.”

The letter reads, “Falun Dafa, with its core principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance, offers a path to improved health, vitality, and inner peace through meditation and exercise. It is inspiring to see how these universal values resonate across cultural and national boundaries, promoting peace and goodwill among all people.”

The letter reads, “We wish to add support to World Falun Dafa Day, which has been celebrated around the world for 32 years.”
“We wish to provide support to Falun Dafa Association of Australia and the wonderful benefits they have brought to so many people in Queensland.”

Dr. Andrew Charlton MP wrote, “I recognise that World Falun Dafa Day is a time to reflect on experiences and values of truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance.”
“I reaffirm my commitment to these values as thousands of practitioners observe this year’s World Falun Dafa Day.”
Letters from Members of State Parliament

The letter reads, “Falun Dafa, with its roots in ancient Chinese tradition, embodies compassion and forbearance. Yet, the celebration of Falun Dafa goes beyond the practice itself; it serves as a beacon of hope for the protection of our cherished liberties.
“In a world where the rights of individuals to express their chosen faith are sometimes challenged, World Falun Dafa Day underscores the importance of upholding these fundamental human rights.”

On May 11, 2024, David Limbrick, Member of the Victorian Parliament, said at a rally in Melbourne to celebrate Falun Dafa Day that Australians should listen to these people who fled and suffered totalitarianism and persecution, listen to their stories, take their warnings to heart, and ensure that the same thing never happens in Australia.

The letter reads, “Falun Dafa has been practicing on The Esplanade for the past 4 years, offering free meditation classes to the public.”
“I am happy to support their efforts to better themselves and the broader community around them.”
“I have been told there are many lovely stories when visitors wander past when the group are practising. A great many join the free exercises.”
“An older couple on their weekly afternoon walks just wanted to sit behind the group because they loved the calm energy.
“Another visitor, who came from the hospital after admitting her daughter for an eating disorder, came upon the group and commenced learning the exercises. She felt it was serendipity at the time when she needed this the most, as she was close to a breakdown.”

The letter reads, “Their values of truthfulness, compassion, and forbearance are not only admirable but also deeply resonant with the principles that underpin our society.”

On May 12, 2024, Andrew Braddock MLA spoke at the celebration of Falun Dafa Day in Canberra and thanked practitioners for their contribution to the Canberra community. He said it was an amazing achievement to spread Falun Dafa around the world.
Residents Commend Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance
Paul Nash, the administrative director of a hospital in Adelaide, expressed his interest in learning to practice Falun Dafa. He heard how the Chinese Communist Party harvests organs from living practitioners for profit. As the director of the medical system, he said, “I think we should let the government, our federal government or local constituencies know about these situations and let them take action.” He also said he would consider contacting his federal MPs on this issue.

Electrical engineer Martin said, “There is no doubt that Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance are the principles for dealing with others, which will make the world a better place. We all live on the same planet, with the same blood flowing, and should enjoy the same freedom. It is absolutely wrong and anti-human for the Chinese Communist Party to deprive Falun Gong practitioners of their right to freedom of belief.”

Nikki Weaver, a health care physician, heard about Falun Dafa 20 years ago. She said, “Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance are the foundation of everything and are very important. They are the source of life!”

(To be continued)
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