(Minghui.org) Twenty-four years after the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began persecuting Falun Gong in 1999, practitioners from 44 countries submitted a new list of perpetrators to their respective governments in advance of Human Rights Day, December 10, 2023, urging them to hold these individuals accountable for the persecution of Falun Gong in China. The practitioners asked their governments to bar the perpetrators and their family members from entry and to freeze their overseas assets.
Among the perpetrators listed was Wang Huimei, former vice chairman of the “China Anti-Cult Association.”
Perpetrator Information
Full Name of Perpetrator: Wang (last name) Huimei (first name) (王慧梅)
Gender: Female
Country: China
Date/year of Birth: Unknown
Place of Birth: Unknown

Title or Position
Wang Huimei served as the deputy director of the Science and Technology Popularisation Department, and the deputy director of the Organisation and Human Resources Department of the China Association for Science and Technology (referred to hereafter as the Association for Science and Technology). She also served as executive deputy secretary-general of the China Anti-Cult Association.
June 2015 – April 2022: Vice-chairman, secretary-general, and legal representative of the China Anti-Cult Association
Major Crimes
The China Anti-Cult Association was established on November 13, 2000, for the purpose of persecuting Falun Gong as a non-governmental organisation. It mobilises the human, material, and financial resources of the scientific and technological community to assist in the persecution.
Since its establishment, the organisation has held numerous domestic and international activities, including hosting exhibitions, seminars, lectures, and symposiums, creating websites and publications, as well as producing films and TV shows, to slander Falun Gong through various channels.
Another name of the China Anti-Cult Association is the “China Care Association.” It has divisions at all levels across all provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions.
Wang Huimei worked for the China Anti-Cult Association for at least ten years and was one of its top executives. She often travels around China to “study,” “inspect,” and “do research” for various campaigns against Falun Gong.
Supervising the “Anti-cult” Effort in Colleges and Universities
Wang often went to universities to participate in inspecting and providing guidance for the “anti-cult” activities on campuses.
On October 15, 2015, Wang, as the then secretary-general of the China Anti-Cult Association, together with Zhang Hong, deputy secretary general and others, visited the Zhengzhou Normal University to inspect the “Anti-Cult Research Centre.” Du Li, director of the Henan Provincial Anti-Cult Association, Zhang Fuqing, Party secretary of the Zhengzhou Municipal Science and Technology Association, and Li Zhixian, director of the Zhengzhou 610 Office, accompanied Wang in the inspection.
On May 23, 2018, Wang, as vice chairman and secretary-general of the China Anti-Cult Association, went to Tongji University in Shanghai to inspect the “anti-cult” activities in the school and affirm the school’s achievement. Ma Jinming, deputy secretary of the school Party committee, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. The heads of the Shanghai 610 Office, Shanghai Anti-Cult Association, Yangpu District Party Committee, Yangpu District 610 Office and the school’s security office also attended the meeting.
Organising and Supporting “Anti-cult” Activities
Wang often traveled throughout China to organise and participate in “anti-cult” activities against Falun Gong. She delivered speeches as a leader in the field, expressing her support for the activities that slander Falun Gong, and she sometimes provided specific guidance for the activities.
From November 21 to 23, 2013, Wang, as executive deputy secretary-general of the China Anti-Cult Association, participated in the national “anti-cult” education and experience sharing conference held in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang. She expressed her affirmation of and support for this activity.
On August 21, 2015, a seminar about “anti-cult” work experience and research was held in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province. Wang was invited to give a keynote speech as vice chairman and secretary-general of the China Anti-Cult Association.
From April 6 to 7, 2016, a national training meeting for the secretaries of the Anti-Cult Associations from around the country was held in Handan City, Hebei Province. Wang attended the meeting to give a work report and gave the concluding speech.
On November 15, 2016, Wang and others went to Lixia District, Jinan City, Shandong Province to investigate grassroots “anti-cult” efforts in the area. She fully “affirmed the work achievements of the district.”
On June 28, 2017, Wang went to Urumqi, Xinjiang Autonomous Region to attend the second representative conference of the Xinjiang Anti-Cult Association. She spoke at the meeting to give “affirmation and support” for the association’s work.
On April 10, 2018, the second “Anti-Cult Work Conference and Anti-Cult Creative Resources Promotion Conference of Zhejiang Province” was held in Hangzhou City. Wang was present to express her support.
In May 2018, Wang visited Nanhai District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province to guide the work of the district’s Anti-Cult Association and gave “full affirmation” to the “achievements” of the district’s anti-cult association. She claimed that the Nanhai District Anti-Cult Association was at the forefront of China’s efforts.
On December 16, 2019, the “Western China Anti-Cult Forum” was held in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province. Wang attended the meeting and gave a concluding speech.
On November 25, 2020, the “Western China Anti-Cult Forum” was held in Chongqing City. Wang attended the meeting and delivered a speech. She expressed “affirmation” of the extensive work done by the Chongqing Anti-Cult Association.
On November 27, 2020, the Gansu Provincial Anti-Cult Association held its fourth representative conference in Lanzhou City. Wang was present to congratulate and “affirm the work achievements” of the Gansu Provincial Anti-Cult Association.
On May 12, 2021, Wang went to Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City to inspect the “anti-cult” work. She highly “appreciated and affirmed” the work of the district association.
From May 19 to 20, 2021, Wang visited the Xing’an League in Inner Mongolia to investigate the progress of the “anti-cult” work and the construction of “Care Homes” (brainwashing centers). She gave “high praise” and “affirmation” to the work of the League’s Anti-cult Association.
On June 25, 2021, the founding meeting and the first membership meeting of the Anhui Provincial Anti-Cult Association were held in Hefei City. Wang was present at both meetings to congratulate the association. She asked the association to fully implement the requirements of “Anti-cult Associations” at all levels.
The “Anti-cult” Work Among CCP-Affiliated Religious Groups
Wang often visited CCP-affiliated religious groups and individuals to discuss “anti-cult” efforts intended to more effectively slander Falun Gong and incite hatred against it.
On February 11, 2015, Wang visited the China Taoist Association as vice-chairman and secretary-general of the Anti-Cult Association and held discussions with the personnel in charge of the association. She hoped that the two associations could further cooperate and carry out activities against Falun Gong in the future.
On December 2, 2015, Wang visited the China Christian Association as the secretary-general of the China Anti-Cult Association and held discussions with relevant personnel on how religious groups can use their specific roles to further carry out “anti-cult” activities.
On May 25, 2017, Wang went to the “anti-cult education base” of Jiaojiang Christian Church in Taizhou City, Zhejiang Province. After listening to a report, she fully affirmed the “anti-cult activities” carried out by Jiaojiang Christian Church and made specific suggestions for future activities.
On the morning of May 22, 2018, Wang went to the Shanghai City God’s Temple, in order to learn from the “advanced experience of anti-cult work” by the Taoist community. She investigated the development of the “anti-cult” work in Shanghai City and gave high regards to the “anti-cult propaganda work” of the Taoist community in Shanghai City.
On the afternoon of May 22, 2018, Wang, as the secretary-general of the China Anti-Cult Association, visited the National Christian Council. She held discussion sessions with relevant leaders of the association and encouraged Christians to play an active role in the “anti-cult” campaigns.
Participation in Brainwashing Centres
On June 10, 2014, the China Anti-Cult Association held a “Return to Society Seminar” at the Shuangmenlou Hotel in Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, and used the “Care Home” (a brainwashing centre) as an example. Wang participated in the seminar.
On May 21, 2021, Wang went to Xihu District, Hangzhou City to attend a “Pair, Care, and Consolidate” activity, and inspected the operation of two “Care Homes” in Xihu District. Then she held a symposium, listened to reports, and specified requirements for the next steps.
According to available data from Minghui.org, at least 1,145 Falun Gong practitioners in China were held in brainwashing centres during 2020 and 2021. On October 21, 2019, Ms. Jiang Qiuying from Wuhan City, Hubei Province, was arrested. After fifteen days of detention, she was taken to the Yangyuan Brainwashing Centre (also known as the “Wuchang Care Centre”). In just ten days, she was tortured to the verge of death. Her husband called an ambulance and brought her home.
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