(Minghui.org) Falun Gong practitioners introduced the traditional cultivation practice in Maremma Regional Park in Alberese, a rural town in southern Tuscany, Italy, on Saturday, August 19, 2023. Many local residents and tourists learned Falun Gong on the spot.

Tourists learned the Falun Gong exercises in Maremma Regional Park.

It was a beautiful day at the famous tourist site. Practitioners set up introductory materials, paper lotus flowers, and banners on the park’s main beach. Several people saw posters about the free Falun Gong exercise instruction class and arrived on time. As they stood in a circle to learn the exercises, others came over to ask for more information and asked if they could also learn.

The exercises left people with a pleasant impression. Learners shared the inner peace and strong energy they had experienced while doing the Falun Gong exercises.

People tried the Falun Gong meditation.

After hearing about the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) persecution of practitioners in China, many people said it was sad that such a beautiful practice was being persecuted.

After the exercises, learners and local Falun Gong practitioners agreed on the times and days they would meet regularly to do the exercises together.

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