(Minghui.org) Shen Yun Performing Arts presented seven performances in three U.S. states during the week of October 13–17, 2021. Audiences in Montana, Massachusetts, and Oregon expressed appreciation for not only the company’s artistic mastery, but its ability to present the divine on stage.

Mayor of Worcester, Massachusetts Welcomes Shen Yun in Person
Mayor Joseph M. Petty of Worcester, proclaimed October 16–17, 2021 to be “Shen Yun Performing Arts Days.” He also wrote in the proclamation, “Shen Yun’s success has been remarkable, with artists and critics alike agreeing that the production is among the best in the world.”

“The Richness of Heaven”
David Lewis, a minister and a composer, traveled to Billings from Livingston, Montana, to see Shen Yun on October 13, 2021.
“I love the performers, they’re phenomenal. This is the best thing I’ve ever been to in my whole life,” he said.
“I’ve been to many, many concerts, presentations. I’ve been to Broadway. This is, by far, the best presentation I’ve ever witnessed.
“I’m so happy. I want to tell everybody about it. I’m going to tell everyone I know they have to see this, whether it’s in Montana or another state.
“The music is divine. I love the music,” Mr. Lewis said.
“I believe in reincarnation. I’ve been to China. That brings back ancient memories to my soul that inspires me,” he said.
He also said of some modern music trends coming out of the United States: “Modern music in the United States—rock music, rap music—is dark.”
“This is full of light, full of spirit, full of the richness of heaven. This music is inspiring. I love the Chinese instruments and the collaboration with the Western instruments. It is fantastic,” he said.
“I’ve seen ballets. These people, the synchronicity of the dancing is perfect, absolutely perfect. Whoever orchestrated the dancing is a genius.
“And the visuals, I’ve never seen anything like that, where they come down and then they pop out,” he added of Shen Yun’s patented animated digital backdrop that interacts with the performers. “That is absolutely stunning. That is genius.”
“I hope that this changes our culture in the United States away from darkness and evil,” he said.

“It Was Magical”
Richard Pelland and Janet Lizotte saw Shen Yun at The Hanover Theatre in Worcester, Massachusetts, on October 16, 2021.
“It was magical,” said Ms. Lizotte, the owner and director of Education Beauty Pros International.
“The colors, how the dancers are all in sync, perfectly synchronised… It’s just so beautiful,” she said.
Mr. Pelland, the executive director of Providence Place Inc., a non-profit organisation, was also touched by Shen Yun.
“The choreography is just exquisite, really… It’s right on point. And even though they make it seem kind of seamless and easy, it has to be very difficult… To do that [together] in such a wonderful way,” he said.
They also spoke about Shen Yun’s mission to showcase the Middle Kingdom’s traditional beliefs, “I think it helps to educate all of us and it gives us the opportunity to appreciate it,” Mr. Pelland said.
“It’s beautiful. I think that it’s very nice to see that part of the story… To educate us in that part of the story,” Ms. Lizotte said.
“That’s why we’re here. We feel that connection. We honor it and we applaud the values that are part of [China’s] tradition,” Mr. Pelland said.
“They should be most proud of their work,” he said.

“Fundamental and Pure”
Retired aircraft engine manufacturer Michael Morgan and his wife Denise, owner of the Brush-It-Off creative centre, saw Shen Yun in Worcester, Massachusetts, on October 17, 2021.
“I cried the entire show,” Mr. Morgan said. “My feelings of the divine—of course, it’s in all of us—and the strength of it.”
“It’s heartbreaking that they can’t do this in China anymore,” Mrs. Morgan said.
“It’s extremely important that we see more of these shows. One show once a year is not good enough, okay, I need to see it five days a week,” Mr. Morgan said.
“More, and more culture,” he said. “The music is so appropriate. The dancing is fundamental and pure. It’s a fantastic show. We bought our tickets way back in May, and it is not disappointing at all.”

“Incredibly Extravagant and Beautiful”
Kara Olsen, a ballerina, saw Shen Yun with Gail Andren in Billings, Montana, on October 14, 2021.
“I don’t even have the words to describe how incredibly extravagant and beautiful it was,” she said. “It was very professional.”
Ms. Olsen is very involved in the creative arts. “I am an artist and a pianist. I am also learning violin… I do a lot of things. I do textiles. I like to knit, crochet, spin. I sew dresses as well,” she said.
“It is absolutely breathtaking. The [musicians] make your feelings come alive. And the traditionalism is just wonderful.
“I love how they join [the two styles of music] together so that it will create just beautiful colors of music. I can see it and feel it,” said Ms. Olsen, who plays the works of Chopin, Mozart, and Beethoven.
“I just loved all the music, all the dancing. I believe that [performances such as Shen Yun] brings out inspiration in people… They bring out feelings that people themselves don’t even understand. And I believe that when people perform, you’re just overcome with feelings and emotions, and you can’t get that in movies, or just listening to it on your headphones,” she said.
“And [the dancers’] skills… Their control, [being able to lift] themselves up into the air and landing—that is insanely impressive, and it’s incredible,” enthused Ms. Olsen.

“Beautiful Sense of Hope”
Sandra Siegienski, a speech pathologist, saw Shen Yun at the Hult Centre in Eugene, Oregon, on October 16, 2021.
“I just found myself appreciating the… beautiful sense of hope and just enjoying being in that moment and not having to worry about anything else,” Ms. Siegienski said.
She particularly enjoyed the performance by the erhu soloist. “It’s beautiful. I’ve never heard anyone play so beautifully,” she said.
“I’m not sure I could put it into words, I found myself imagining everything,” she continued. “There was so much soul in the music. It was so incredibly expressive. I really don’t have words to describe it.
“I would love to see that performance again several times,” she added, “and I can imagine it would be slightly different with a different kind of soul each time that it is played.”

Upcoming Performances
Shen Yun continues its 2021-2022 tour with upcoming performances in:
Escondido, California, October 23–24
Cedar Rapids, Iowa, October 23–24
Modesto, California, October 26–27
Phoenix, Arizona, October 27–28
Detroit, Michigan, October 27–31.
For more information on tickets and dates, please visit https://shenyun.com.
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